4 days ago
#53 Rain Always Win
4 days ago
4 days ago
If life is a game, Harvey Rain is determined to win. But what does winning actually look like? And what does this mean for the other players?
Something to consider when reading/listening:
Is it true that the only thing worse than not getting what you want is getting it?
You might enjoy this episode if you like:
Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives by David Eagleman
Sam Harris’ ‘Making Sense’ podcast
Alan Watts
Fiction that makes you think
Philosophical fiction
Speculative fiction
Chicken farming
Lab grown meat
World domination
Contemplating the meaning of life
Any form of philosophical enquiry
Thank you for listening. Please follow the podcast to stay up to date with the latest episodes.
Let me know your thoughts on this episode or the podcast as a whole at doewilmann@outlook.com
Thanks for listening
Written and performed by Doe Wilmann
Thanks to Katie Empett for reading early versions of this episode and providing notes.
Artwork by Katie Empett
Music by Claude Debussy with permission from Pond5.
A license to use the media (Debussy Suite Bergamasque, Clair De Lune (Piano Cover) 229744340 Music ahawke99110 2023-03-02 Individual) was purchased under Pond5's Content License Agreement, a copy of which is available for review at https://www.pond5.com/legal/license. The Pond5 license authorizes the licensee to use the media in the licensee's own commercial or non-commercial production and to copy, broadcast, distribute, display, perform and monetize the production or work in any medium - including posting and monetization on YouTube - on the terms and conditions outlined therein.
Meaningless Problems with Doe Wilmann(C) 2025
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
#52 Hope for the Worst
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
When Poppy announces she wants to kill herself, her playwright husband employs a peculiar coping technique.
Something to consider when reading/listening:
To what extent does negative visualisation make you grateful for what you have?
Comedy - Philosophy - Stoicism
If you’d like to read the script of this episode go to https://www.fairobserver.com/author/doe-wilmann/
You might enjoy this episode if you like:
Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives by David Eagleman
Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads
Sam Harris’ ‘Making Sense’ podcast
Alan Watts
Fiction that makes you think
Philosophical fiction
Speculative fiction
The Shard
Hoping for the worst
Contemplating the meaning of life
Any form of philosophical enquiry
Let me know your thoughts on this episode or the podcast as a whole at doewilmann@outlook.com
This episode is part of my challenge to write, record and produce a short story every single week for a year. If you’re looking for quality, suspense and intrigue, I’m not making any promises. But if you do like one of these stories please share it with your friends.
If I complete this challenge and the podcast gets 1,000 subscribers in the process, a group of my friends have agreed to donate a combined £1000 to Alzheimer’s Research UK.
For writing tips and advice, follow me on TikTok (@meaninglessproblems)
I also have an Instagram (@meaninglessproblems) account dedicated to the podcast.
Thanks for listening
Written and performed by Doe Wilmann
Thanks to Katie Empett and Ross Hindle for reading early versions of this episode and providing notes.
Artwork by Katie Empett
Music by Claude Debussy with permission from Pond5.
A license to use the media (Debussy Suite Bergamasque, Clair De Lune (Piano Cover) 229744340 Music ahawke99110 2023-03-02 Individual) was purchased under Pond5's Content License Agreement, a copy of which is available for review at https://www.pond5.com/legal/license. The Pond5 license authorizes the licensee to use the media in the licensee's own commercial or non-commercial production and to copy, broadcast, distribute, display, perform and monetize the production or work in any medium - including posting and monetization on YouTube - on the terms and conditions outlined therein.
Meaningless Problems with Doe Wilmann
(C) 2024
Sunday Feb 18, 2024
#51 What Was the Point?
Sunday Feb 18, 2024
Sunday Feb 18, 2024
Having spent a year writing short stories for a podcast, the writer wonders what was the point.
Something to consider when reading/listening:
What was the point of this short story podcast?
Comedy - Philosophy - Plumbing
If you’d like to read the script of this episode go to https://www.fairobserver.com/author/doe-wilmann/
You might enjoy this episode if you like:
Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives by David Eagleman
The ‘Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal’ podcast
Sam Harris’ ‘Making Sense’ podcast
‘The Panpsycast Philosophy Podcast’
Alan Watts
Fiction that makes you think
Philosophical fiction
Speculative fiction
Artificial intelligence
The afterlife
Contemplating the meaning of life
Any form of philosophical enquiry
Episode #3 of this podcast
Episode #13 of this podcast
Episode #44 of this podcast
Speaking/listening to plumbers
Let me know your thoughts on this episode or the podcast as a whole at doewilmann@outlook.com
This episode is part of my challenge to write, record and produce a short story every single week for a year. If you’re looking for quality, suspense and intrigue, I’m not making any promises. But if you do like one of these stories please share it with your friends.
If I complete this challenge and the podcast gets 1,000 subscribers in the process, a group of my friends have agreed to donate a combined £1000 to Alzheimer’s Research UK.
For writing tips and advice, follow me on TikTok (@meaninglessproblems)
I also have an Instagram (@meaninglessproblems) account dedicated to the podcast.
Thanks for listening
Written and performed by Doe Wilmann
Thanks to Katie Empett and Ross Hindle for reading early versions of this episode and providing notes.
Artwork by Katie Empett
Music by Claude Debussy with permission from Pond5.
A license to use the media (Debussy Suite Bergamasque, Clair De Lune (Piano Cover) 229744340 Music ahawke99110 2023-03-02 Individual) was purchased under Pond5's Content License Agreement, a copy of which is available for review at https://www.pond5.com/legal/license. The Pond5 license authorizes the licensee to use the media in the licensee's own commercial or non-commercial production and to copy, broadcast, distribute, display, perform and monetize the production or work in any medium - including posting and monetization on YouTube - on the terms and conditions outlined therein.
Meaningless Problems with Doe Wilmann
(C) 2024
Sunday Feb 11, 2024
#50 What Do You Do?
Sunday Feb 11, 2024
Sunday Feb 11, 2024
Lost in thought at a funeral, our narrator sets out a compelling case for why we should never ask anyone what they do for a living.
Something to consider when reading/listening:
To what extent does your job define who you are?
What Do You Do is an original short story by Doe Wilmann
If you’d like to read the script of this episode go to https://www.fairobserver.com/author/doe-wilmann/
For information about upcoming stories and live performances of my stage plays, go to meaninglessproblems.com and sign up to my monthly newsletter. You can also email me via the contact form. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the podcast.
You might enjoy this episode if you like:
Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives by David Eagleman
Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads
A History of the World in Ten and a Half Chapters by Julian Barnes
Fiction that makes you think
Short stories with a twist
Philosophical fiction
Speculative fiction
Not talking about work
Contemplating the meaning of life
Any form of philosophical enquiry
Let me know your thoughts on this episode or the podcast as a whole at doewilmann@outlook.com
This episode is part of my challenge to write, record and produce a short story every single week for a year. If you’re looking for quality, suspense and intrigue, I’m not making any promises. But if you do like one of these stories please share it with your friends.
If I complete this challenge and the podcast gets 1,000 subscribers in the process, a group of my friends have agreed to donate a combined £1000 to Alzheimer’s Research UK.
For writing tips and advice, follow me on TikTok (@meaninglessproblems)
I also have an Instagram (@meaninglessproblems) account dedicated to the podcast.
Thanks for listening
Written and performed by Doe Wilmann
Thanks to Katie Empett and Ross Hindle for reading early versions of this episode and providing notes.
Artwork by Katie Empett
Music by Claude Debussy with permission from Pond5.
A license to use the media (Debussy Suite Bergamasque, Clair De Lune (Piano Cover) 229744340 Music ahawke99110 2023-03-02 Individual) was purchased under Pond5's Content License Agreement, a copy of which is available for review at https://www.pond5.com/legal/license. The Pond5 license authorizes the licensee to use the media in the licensee's own commercial or non-commercial production and to copy, broadcast, distribute, display, perform and monetize the production or work in any medium - including posting and monetization on YouTube - on the terms and conditions outlined therein.
Meaningless Problems with Doe Wilmann
(C) 2024
Sunday Feb 04, 2024
#49 It Might as Well Be
Sunday Feb 04, 2024
Sunday Feb 04, 2024
Businessman Nathan Norrie calls upon a spiritual guide to help improve the atmosphere among his work colleagues. The guide offers three peals of wisdom.
Something to consider when reading/listening:
If a message is true, does it matter if the messenger is dishonest?
It Might as Well Be is an original short story by Doe Wilmann
If you’d like to read the script of this episode go to https://www.fairobserver.com/author/doe-wilmann/
For information about upcoming stories and live performances of my stage plays, go to meaninglessproblems.com and sign up to my monthly newsletter. You can also email me via the contact form. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the podcast.
You might enjoy this episode if you like:
Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives by David Eagleman
A History of the World in Ten and a Half Chapters by Julian Barnes
Fiction that makes you think
Short stories with a twist
Philosophical fiction
Speculative fiction
Corporate retreats
Instant hot water
Cinema rooms
Contemplating the meaning of life
Any form of philosophical enquiry
Let me know your thoughts on this episode or the podcast as a whole at doewilmann@outlook.com
This episode is part of my challenge to write, record and produce a short story every single week for a year. If you’re looking for quality, suspense and intrigue, I’m not making any promises. But if you do like one of these stories please share it with your friends.
If I complete this challenge and the podcast gets 1,000 subscribers in the process, a group of my friends have agreed to donate a combined £1000 to Alzheimer’s Research UK.
For writing tips and advice, follow me on TikTok (@meaninglessproblems)
I also have an Instagram (@meaninglessproblems) account dedicated to the podcast.
Thanks for listening
Written and performed by Doe Wilmann
Thanks to Katie Empett and Ross Hindle for reading early versions of this episode and providing notes.
Artwork by Katie Empett
Music by Claude Debussy with permission from Pond5.
A license to use the media (Debussy Suite Bergamasque, Clair De Lune (Piano Cover) 229744340 Music ahawke99110 2023-03-02 Individual) was purchased under Pond5's Content License Agreement, a copy of which is available for review at https://www.pond5.com/legal/license. The Pond5 license authorizes the licensee to use the media in the licensee's own commercial or non-commercial production and to copy, broadcast, distribute, display, perform and monetize the production or work in any medium - including posting and monetization on YouTube - on the terms and conditions outlined therein.
Meaningless Problems with Doe Wilmann
(C) 2024
Sunday Jan 28, 2024
#48 The Meaning of Work
Sunday Jan 28, 2024
Sunday Jan 28, 2024
The prime minister is facing the biggest strike in British history. But the strikers are the last people she’d expect to strike. And their reason for striking is even more surprising.
Something to consider when reading/listening:
Can you truly be rich if your life lacks meaning?
The Meaning of Work is an original short story by Doe Wilmann
If you’d like to read the script of this episode go to https://www.fairobserver.com/author/doe-wilmann/
For information about upcoming stories and live performances of my stage plays, go to meaninglessproblems.com and sign up to my monthly newsletter. You can also email me via the contact form. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the podcast.
You might enjoy this episode if you like:
Yes, Prime Minister
The Twilight Zone
Philosophical fiction
Episode #25 of this podcast
Episode #42 of this podcast
Prime ministers
Contemplating the nature of existence
Contemplating the meaning of life
Any form of philosophical enquiry
Let me know your thoughts on this episode or the podcast as a whole at doewilmann@outlook.com
This episode is part of my challenge to write, record and produce a short story every single week for a year. If you’re looking for quality, suspense and intrigue, I’m not making any promises. But if you do like one of these stories please share it with your friends.
If I complete this challenge and the podcast gets 1,000 subscribers in the process, a group of my friends have agreed to donate a combined £1000 to Alzheimer’s Research UK.
For writing tips and advice, follow me on TikTok (@meaninglessproblems)
I also have an Instagram (@meaninglessproblems) account dedicated to the podcast.
Thanks for listening
Written and performed by Doe Wilmann
Thanks to Katie Empett and Ross Hindle for reading early versions of this episode and providing notes.
Artwork by Katie Empett
Music by Claude Debussy with permission from Pond5.
A license to use the media (Debussy Suite Bergamasque, Clair De Lune (Piano Cover) 229744340 Music ahawke99110 2023-03-02 Individual) was purchased under Pond5's Content License Agreement, a copy of which is available for review at https://www.pond5.com/legal/license. The Pond5 license authorizes the licensee to use the media in the licensee's own commercial or non-commercial production and to copy, broadcast, distribute, display, perform and monetize the production or work in any medium - including posting and monetization on YouTube - on the terms and conditions outlined therein.
Meaningless Problems with Doe Wilmann
(C) 2023
Sunday Jan 21, 2024
#47 Tony’s Vibe
Sunday Jan 21, 2024
Sunday Jan 21, 2024
Tony’s tried everything to make himself more employable, more dateable, more popular. He’s tried life coaches, elocution coaches, therapists, personal trainers but he’s looking in the wrong place. He’s not the problem. I am. I am Tony’s vibe.
Something to consider when reading/listening:
To what extent can a person be aware of their own vibe?
Comedy - Philosophy - Politics
If you’d like to read the script of this episode go to https://www.fairobserver.com/author/doe-wilmann/
You might enjoy this episode if you like:
Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads
Dramatic monologues
Comedic monologues
Tiger Woods’ trustworthiness
Lindsay Lohan’s innocence
Russell Brand’s sex appeal
Contemplating the meaning of life
Any form of philosophical enquiry
Let me know your thoughts on this episode or the podcast as a whole at doewilmann@outlook.com
This episode is part of my challenge to write, record and produce a short story every single week for a year. If you’re looking for quality, suspense and intrigue, I’m not making any promises. But if you do like one of these stories please share it with your friends.
If I complete this challenge and the podcast gets 1,000 subscribers in the process, a group of my friends have agreed to donate a combined £1000 to Alzheimer’s Research UK.
For writing tips and advice, follow me on TikTok (@meaninglessproblems)
I also have an Instagram (@meaninglessproblems) account dedicated to the podcast.
Thanks for listening
Written and performed by Doe Wilmann
Thanks to Katie Empett and Ross Hindle for reading early versions of this episode and providing notes.
Artwork by Katie Empett
Music by Claude Debussy with permission from Pond5.
A license to use the media (Debussy Suite Bergamasque, Clair De Lune (Piano Cover) 229744340 Music ahawke99110 2023-03-02 Individual) was purchased under Pond5's Content License Agreement, a copy of which is available for review at https://www.pond5.com/legal/license. The Pond5 license authorizes the licensee to use the media in the licensee's own commercial or non-commercial production and to copy, broadcast, distribute, display, perform and monetize the production or work in any medium - including posting and monetization on YouTube - on the terms and conditions outlined therein.
Meaningless Problems with Doe Wilmann
(C) 2023
Sunday Jan 14, 2024
#46 Culling Cobras
Sunday Jan 14, 2024
Sunday Jan 14, 2024
Member of Parliament Lawrence Sitwell is frustrated by the failure of his political career. A conversation with an old friend causes him to rethink everything.
Something to consider when reading/listening:
When politicians try to make something better, are they more likely to make it worse?
Comedy - Philosophy - Politics
If you’d like to read the script of this episode go to https://www.fairobserver.com/author/doe-wilmann/
You might enjoy this episode if you like:
Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads
Dramatic monologues
Comedic monologues
Intentions v outcomes
Contemplating the meaning of life
Any form of philosophical enquiry
Let me know your thoughts on this episode or the podcast as a whole at doewilmann@outlook.com
This episode is part of my challenge to write, record and produce a short story every single week for a year. If you’re looking for quality, suspense and intrigue, I’m not making any promises. But if you do like one of these stories please share it with your friends.
If I complete this challenge and the podcast gets 1,000 subscribers in the process, a group of my friends have agreed to donate a combined £1000 to Alzheimer’s Research UK.
For writing tips and advice, follow me on TikTok (@meaninglessproblems)
I also have an Instagram (@meaninglessproblems) account dedicated to the podcast.
Thanks for listening
Written and performed by Doe Wilmann
Thanks to Katie Empett and Ross Hindle for reading early versions of this episode and providing notes.
Artwork by Katie Empett
Music by Claude Debussy with permission from Pond5.
A license to use the media (Debussy Suite Bergamasque, Clair De Lune (Piano Cover) 229744340 Music ahawke99110 2023-03-02 Individual) was purchased under Pond5's Content License Agreement, a copy of which is available for review at https://www.pond5.com/legal/license. The Pond5 license authorizes the licensee to use the media in the licensee's own commercial or non-commercial production and to copy, broadcast, distribute, display, perform and monetize the production or work in any medium - including posting and monetization on YouTube - on the terms and conditions outlined therein.
Meaningless Problems with Doe Wilmann
(C) 2023
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
#45 The Weight of Achievement
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
In Bernard’s local pub, everyone carries their life’s achievements with them in a big black bag.
Philosophy - Spirituality - Absurdism
The Weight of Achievement is an original short story by Doe Wilmann
Something to consider when reading/listening:
If you were never allowed to tell anyone about your successes, which of your current goals would you continue to pursue?
If you’d like to read the script of this episode go to meaninglessproblems.com and sign up to my monthly newsletter. You can also email me via the contact form. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the podcast.
You might enjoy this episode if you like:
Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives by David Eagleman
A History of the World in Ten and a Half Chapters by Julian Barnes
Fiction that makes you think
Short stories with a twist
Philosophical fiction
Speculative fiction
Pints of Bitter
Contemplating the meaning of life
Any form of philosophical enquiry
Let me know your thoughts on this episode or the podcast as a whole at doewilmann@outlook.com
This episode is part of my challenge to write, record and produce a short story every single week for a year. If you’re looking for quality, suspense and intrigue, I’m not making any promises. But if you do like one of these stories please share it with your friends.
If I complete this challenge and the podcast gets 1,000 subscribers in the process, a group of my friends have agreed to donate a combined £1000 to Alzheimer’s Research UK.
For writing tips and advice, follow me on TikTok (@meaninglessproblems)
I also have an Instagram (@meaninglessproblems) account dedicated to the podcast.
Thanks for listening
Written and performed by Doe Wilmann
Thanks to Katie Empett and Ross Hindle for reading early versions of this episode and providing notes.
Artwork by Katie Empett
Music by Claude Debussy with permission from Pond5.
A license to use the media (Debussy Suite Bergamasque, Clair De Lune (Piano Cover) 229744340 Music ahawke99110 2023-03-02 Individual) was purchased under Pond5's Content License Agreement, a copy of which is available for review at https://www.pond5.com/legal/license. The Pond5 license authorizes the licensee to use the media in the licensee's own commercial or non-commercial production and to copy, broadcast, distribute, display, perform and monetize the production or work in any medium - including posting and monetization on YouTube - on the terms and conditions outlined therein.
Meaningless Problems with Doe Wilmann
(C) 2024
Sunday Dec 31, 2023
#44 Futility
Sunday Dec 31, 2023
Sunday Dec 31, 2023
A writer is slightly concerned about his short story podcast. He shares these concerns with a plumber and is surprised by his response.
Something to consider when reading/listening:
How do you know for certain that you are not a fictional creation dreamt up by somebody else?
Comedy - Philosophy - Plumbing
If you’d like to read the script of this episode go to https://www.fairobserver.com/author/doe-wilmann/
You might enjoy this episode if you like:
Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives by David Eagleman
The ‘Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal’ podcast
Sam Harris’ ‘Making Sense’ podcast
‘The Panpsycast Philosophy Podcast’
Alan Watts
Fiction that makes you think
Philosophical fiction
Speculative fiction
Alternate universes
The Titanic
Morgan Robertson
Contemplating the meaning of life
Any form of philosophical enquiry
Episode #3 of this podcast
Episode #13 of this podcast
Speaking/listening to plumbers
Let me know your thoughts on this episode or the podcast as a whole at doewilmann@outlook.com
This episode is part of my challenge to write, record and produce a short story every single week for a year. If you’re looking for quality, suspense and intrigue, I’m not making any promises. But if you do like one of these stories please share it with your friends.
If I complete this challenge and the podcast gets 1,000 subscribers in the process, a group of my friends have agreed to donate a combined £1000 to Alzheimer’s Research UK.
For writing tips and advice, follow me on TikTok (@meaninglessproblems)
I also have an Instagram (@meaninglessproblems) account dedicated to the podcast.
Thanks for listening
Written and performed by Doe Wilmann
Thanks to Katie Empett and Ross Hindle for reading early versions of this episode and providing notes.
Artwork by Katie Empett
Music by Claude Debussy with permission from Pond5.
A license to use the media (Debussy Suite Bergamasque, Clair De Lune (Piano Cover) 229744340 Music ahawke99110 2023-03-02 Individual) was purchased under Pond5's Content License Agreement, a copy of which is available for review at https://www.pond5.com/legal/license. The Pond5 license authorizes the licensee to use the media in the licensee's own commercial or non-commercial production and to copy, broadcast, distribute, display, perform and monetize the production or work in any medium - including posting and monetization on YouTube - on the terms and conditions outlined therein.
Meaningless Problems with Doe Wilmann
(C) 2023