The Bunker

Special:‌ ‌Despatch‌ ‌from‌ ‌Kabul‌ ‌ ‌

Published: 19 August 2021 at 03:00 UTC

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Episode notes

What is the situation really like on the ground in Afghanistan, after the Taliban’s astonishingly swift takeover? Our panelist Arthur Snell talks to one of his contacts, presently in hiding in Kabul. We have chosen not identify them for their own safety. - “Kabul has been left without anything.”  - “Everything is closed down. You would think it is the Stone Age in Kabul. You wouldn't have seen this a week ago.” - “This was a win-win for Russia.”  - “The Taliban have made fake promises to the international community. Of course they have not changed.” Presented by Arthur Snell. Produced by Andrew Harrison. Assistant producers: Jacob Archbold and Jelena Sofronijevic. Audio production by Alex Rees. THE BUNKER is a Podmasters Production  

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