Seriously Social

S1E10: The domestic battleground created by a pandemic

Published: 21 June 2020 at 18:03 UTC

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Episode notes

How is the domestic load shared in your household? Would you say it’s more or less equal, or, as in so many Aussie households, is the division of domestic labour and childcare a battleground? The pandemic created what experts describe as an unprecedented external shock, forcing homes to temporarily become our primary workplaces as well as the locations where all the care was happening.So how did dual earning couples with kids share this load? What happened to men’s and women’s dissatisfaction levels?On this episode of Seriously Social (the last for Season 1) journalist Ginger Gorman speaks with Melbourne University Sociology Professor Lyn Craig about her brand new research…do not miss this episode!

See you in a couple of weeks for Season 2.