Publishing Secrets

Book Sales Success Secret #7: Get in Front of (Someone Else’s) Engaged Audience

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Episode notes

In this episode, you’ll also hear:

  • How this step builds on last week’s concept of building connections
  • How to find an already engaged audience – and how to pitch your message to influencers so they’ll be thrilled to feature you
  • Everything you need to have ready first, before you start approaching influencers
  • A simple self-evaluation exercise to make sure you’re ready to reach out to other people’s audiences
  • Free training to guide you through each of these next steps

Be sure to read all the way to the end for important information and the FREE training link!

If you're an author trying to sell more books, you know how tough it can be to reach potential readers. In a world where there are millions of books competing for attention, it can be difficult to build an engaged audience and get your voice heard. 

But it is possible! This next installment of the Book Sales Success Secrets series is all about getting your voice heard as we continue equipping and empowering you to get your message out to the masses – because your message is too big and too powerful to stay small. 

Are you ready to change the world? 

Time for Something New

Last week, we talked about the importance of building connections. And while it was a little bit of tough love, sometimes we need the hard truth to be set free. So, if you realized last week that you don’t exist, the next question to ask is: What did you do about it? Have you taken any intentional action to get your name out there? 

Here's the reality: listening will not change anything – only a decision to take action will. So today is the day where the rubber meets the road. If you're really, truly serious about getting your message out there, you're going to have to step out of your comfort zone and do things differently. 

As Tony Robbins once said, “If you do what you've always done, you will get what you've always gotten.” The only way to get a different result is to try a new strategy, so if what you've been doing isn't working, it's time to try something new. 

So where do you start? Unfortunately, most authors make the mistake of trying a “onesie, twosie” approach to set themselves up for success. That is, selling a book to a family member here, and to a friend there. 

But let's face it – that's a really slow process. It will take forever to sell 10 books, much less 100 or 1,000 books, that way. 

But what if you could get in front of hundreds – or even thousands – of people at one time and really connect with them on a spiritual and emotional level? That would be a complete game changer, right? Because once you make an emotional connection with a person, they know that you get them, and the walls of resistance start to come down. They see you as a real person, not just someone trying to sell them something, and they genuinely believe that you have their best interests at heart. 

And if hundreds or even thousands of people are taking in your message and being touched by it, the sales you seek will be just around the corner. 

How To Find an Already Engaged Audience

So how do you get in front of hundreds or even thousands of people at one time? You do it by leveraging OPA – Other People's Audiences. That means finding people who have engaged audiences that would be interested in your book and partnering with them. 

It might involve guest blogging, being featured on a podcast, or doing a joint webinar. Whatever form it takes, by tapping into another person's audience, you can reach new readers and significantly boost your sales. 

If you already have an audience of your own, you might be able to use that to sell books. But when you don't really have an audience, or your audience isn't engaged or as big as you need it to be, you need to find someone else who does have a bigger, engaged audience and tap into that. 

But here's the deal: before you start reaching out to bloggers, podcasters and other content creators to see if they're interested in featuring you, you need to make sure that your house is in order. 

So first, ask yourself these questions, and be honest with yourself about the answers:

  • Do you have a blog? Are you regularly updating it with high-quality content that would feel relevant to those audiences that you want to partner with? 
  • Do you have business social media profiles, and are you investing time on those platforms – or at least one platform – actively? 
  • Do you have a professional headshot (not a selfie from your camera!) and a professional bio that's ready to go? 
  • Does your bio explain why and how it would be a win-win to invite you to collaborate? (In other words, is it compelling for someone who doesn’t know you?) 
  • Do you have a one sheet press kit or media kit that showcases your writing philosophy and your latest work? 
  • Do you have a website? And if so, is it well-designed and professional looking? Or could someone easily tell that you designed it yourself? 

Before you can tap into other people's audiences (OPA) effectively, you have to be sure that you can bring your best self and something of value to the influencer whose audience you’re trying to tap into. Otherwise, you will appear to be a liability and not an asset. The opportunities that you want to open up won't happen, and you'll continue to be frustrated. 

The STARS Method

So how do you make yourself an asset instead of a liability? You make yourself a STAR.

Podcasts hosts, bloggers, and influencers on social media have heavily invested time and money into creating a great platform for their message and building an engaged audience. And building an audience is work! So, just as you are looking for an audience that will be beneficial for you, remember that influencers are looking for STARS, too. 

Here’s what that means:

  • S: Street Cred. What proof can you give that you know what you’re doing? Whether you’ve hit the bestseller list, been featured other places, or won awards, you need to communicate that. However, remember that it’s not so much about the credential itself, but rather showing that you know your stuff and that your message has made a positive impact on others. 
  • T: Teachable Points. What can you teach the influencer’s audience that they don't already know? How can you have a unique angle to your message? Remember, always be looking for a way to stand out from the competition? 
  • A: Alignment. Think about your values and mission. How can you demonstrate that what you are about is in alignment with what the influencer is trying to accomplish? 
  • R: Relevance. What relevant problem are you solving? This should create an authentic connection between you and the influencer, so that they genuinely want to collaborate with you. You don't have to beg; they see the benefit. 
  • S: Specific Solution. What is the specific, unique solution that you bring to the table? In other words, how are you creating value that sets you apart from others? 

When you're looking to tap into other people's audiences to promote your book or your program, it's important to remember that they are also looking for a good match. An influencer wants to be associated with a brand that will reflect positively on them and their audience, so make sure you are an asset and not a liability. 

If you can offer a win-win situation, you are so much more likely to find success. An influencer with a large and engaged audience can be a powerful, powerful asset – but only if the partnership is mutually beneficial. Your personal brand matters more than you think, whether you're selling one-on-one or addressing other people's audiences. 

FREE Training: Tap into an Engaged Audience

So here are your next steps: 

  • Create a press kit, a one sheet, a media kit that represents you as a credible authority. 
  • Figure out what makes you unique and special, and develop a personal mission statement that reflects your values and goals. 
  • Create interesting, valuable content that is relevant to your target audience and your influencer’s audience, and be able to communicate how you add value to the host and the audience before you pitch. 

Now, that may sound like a lot, but don't worry – there’s a FREE training on this very topic waiting for you in the Christian Authors Network Facebook group. In this training, I'll walk you through the STARS method so that you can tap into an OPA with ease. 

It's an in-depth session on how you can use the STARS method to get your message out to more people. And not just any way – you’ll be getting your message out to people who are already passionate about your message and eager to hear what you have to say. Plus, there are examples of exactly what your approach needs to look like to get massive results. 

Are you in? It’s time to go to the next level. So go check out the training, and then come back here next week for the next Book Sales Success Secret!



My name is Tamara "Coach Tam" Jackson and I am a published author, Facebook© Certified Digital Marketer, host of the Top 100 Publishing Secrets podcast, and founder of The Christian Authors Network (C.A.N.) Facebook© community. I specialize in helping mission-driven authors, coaches, and entrepreneurs increase their exposure, impact, and income through strategic self-publishing and digital media appearances. Just say yes and we will work together to attract a tribe of loyal followers that 1) "get you", 2) love what you do, and 3) are happy to invest in your book, business, cause, or movement. Plus, we will accomplish all of this without fake, salesy, sleazy, or manipulative tactics. Yes you CAN write, publish, and profit in a way that honors God; join the community today at  



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