Whats new barkeep
By Luke Nagel

Episode 42.) The End of an Era
Happy Pride Month! We do Jello Shots WAAAY to early and we discuss our favorite LGBTQ+ ships also we do a bunch a rounds of Fuck Marry Kill
Red White & Boozy

Episode 41.) A Mcclelon Ball
This episode is a video game update and a game to see how well Dane and Rose know music.
McClelland Cocktail
- 1½ ounces sloe gin
- ¾ ounce triple sec
- 2 dashes orange bitters
Shake the ingredients vigorously with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
Melon Ball
- 1 ounce vodka
- 1 ounce Midori or other melon liqueur
- 4 ounces fresh orange juice
- Orange slice
- Watermelon wedge
Shake the liquid ingredients vigorously with ice. Strain into an ice-filled wineglass. Garnish with the orange slice and watermelon wedge.
Hellmich, Mittie. The Ultimate Bar Book

Episode 40.) A Curdled Banshee of a shot
Today we discuss places where we would like to live and what we want when get a home there.
IRA Shot
- 1 ounce Irish whiskey
- 1 ounce Irish cream liqueur
Shake the ingredients vigorously with ice. Strain into a chilled shot glass. Drink in one gulp.
- 1 ounce white crème de cacao
- 1 ounce crème de banane
- 1 ounce heavy cream
Shake the ingredients vigorously with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

Larp Corner 4.) You know what fine its larp corner now
We talk about the weapons we like/hate using
- 2 ounces rum
- 3/4 ounce rum
- 1/2 ounce simple syrup
- strawberries
Start by shaking or muddling 3 medium sized strawberries, add the ice and the rest of the ingredients. Shake, Double strain the liquid into a martini glass.
Murder in Moscow
- 2 ounces vodka
- 3/4 ounce lime juice
- 1/2 ounce simple syrup
- ginger beer
- lime wedge
Shake the vodka simple syrup lime juice and ice in a shaker strain into a tulip glass (we used a goblet) top with ginger beer and garnish with a lime.

Episode 39.) A Radioactive Shark Bite
We talk about the worst worlds to live in and games that we loved when we were younger!
Nuclear Meltdown
- 1/2 oz. Vodka
- 1/2 oz. Gin
- 1/2 oz. Rum (Light)
- 1/2 oz. Triple Sec
- 1/2 oz. Tequila (Optional)
- Sweet & Sour Mix
- Float of Melon Liqueur
Garnish: Cherry
InstructionsPour the vodka, gin, rum and triple sec into a glass with ice. Fill it with sweet and sour mix and add the melon liqueur on top.
Shark Bite
- 1 1/2 oz spiced rum (alternate recipe 3/4 ounce spiced rum, 3/4 ounce light rum)
- 3/4 oz blue curacao
- 3 oz sour mix
- grenadine , few drops to a splash
Mix everything but the grenadine and stir; add the grenadine and serve

Episode 38.) A Candied Apple with a Bad Attitude
Bad Attitude
1/2 oz. Vodka
1/2 oz. Gin
1/2 oz. Rum (Light)
1/2 oz. Triple Sec
1 oz. Amaretto
Pineapple Juice
Orange Juice
Cranberry Juice
Splash of Grenadine
Pour the vodka, gin, rum, triple sec and amaretto into a glass with ice. Almost fill it with equal parts of pineapple juice, orange juice and cranberry juice. Add the splash of grenadine.

Episode 37.) Death by 1000 pasta cuts
Sorry for the noise in the background guys! We will do better next time!
Russian Bear
- 1 ounce vodka
- ¼ ounce brown crème de cacao
- 1½ ounces heavy cream 1 teaspoon sugar
Shake the ingredients vigorously with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
For a Polar Bear, substitute ¾ ounce white crème de cacao for the brown.
Ruby Martini
- 1½ ounces vodka
- ½ ounce cranberry juice
- ½ ounce blue curaçao
- Lemon twist
Stir the liquid ingredients in a mixing glass with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Run the lemon peel around the rim, twist it over the drink, and drop it in.

Episode 36.) Not all Chads
Hey guys today we talk about what shows we are watching and some of our exploits in my Tabletop Campaign!
Ingredients- 6 oz sparkling mead
- 2 oz orange juice
- Splash of cointreau liqueur (optional)
- fresh fruit
Pour the mead into a Champaign flute, add the orange juice and a splash of the orange cointreau liqueur (we used triple sec).
Garnish with fresh fruit.

Episode 35.) I don't know how to feel about this episode
Trivia Night over at the Barkeeps! Lets see a winner!
Amaretto Sour
- 2 ounces amaretto
- 1 ounce fresh lemon juice
- Maraschino cherry
Shake the liquid ingredients vigorously with ice. Strain into a chilled sour glass. Garnish with the cherry.
Kyoto Cocktail
- 1½ ounces gin
- ½ ounce dry vermouth
- ½ ounce melon liqueur
- Dash of fresh lemon juice
Shake the ingredients vigorously with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

Episode 34.) Dreaming of Breakfast Tangents
This week we go sleepy and hungry.
Screaming Orgasm:
- 3/4 ounce Kahlua
- 3/4 ounce Irish Creme Liquor
- 3/4 ounce Amaretto
- 3/4 ounce Vodka
Directions: Shake the ingredients vigorously with ice, Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
Mocha Mint
- 3/4 ounce Kahlua
- 3/4 ounce white creme de menthe
- 3/4 ounce creme de cacao
Directions: Shake the ingredients vigorously with ice, Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

Episode 33.) Bugging Each Other
We are doing movie trivia and weird ass questions today!
Black Widow:
- 1 oz gold rum
- 1/4 oz southern comfort
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 1/2 oz fresh lime juice
Shake the ingredients vigorously with ice. Strain into a chilled sour glass.
June Bug:
- 1 part Melon Liquor
- ½ part Coconut Rum
- ½ part Banana liqueur
- 2 parts Pineapple juice
- 1 part Lemon juice
- Mix well and pour over ice.

Episode 32.) Alleging too many hypotheticals
Hey guys we are doing our 4/20 episode as well as reminiscing on stuff back in the day

Episode 31.) The Flying Dutchmen of Disappointment
Hey guys! We get into movies and would you rather situations on this episode!

Episode 30.) A gladiator punch
The gang is back talking about movies and board games that we may or may not know or like.

Larp Corner 3.) No really guys we will come up with a new name
Jeff and Luke discuss plans for what you should do when going to your first (or any) LARP event.

Episode 29.) The Sleepy Episode
Sorry for the audio changes! Still working on tweaking and playing around with it!

Episode 28.) Sloe Ride
Its just Tabitha and Luke today but they discuss some terrible video games and their camping experiences!

Episode 27.) The Pie Episode
Happy early pie day! We got the entire crew back for this one!

Episode 26.) I Never Left
Got a big surprise for all you dedicated listeners!

Episode 25.) Would You Rather Giant Vampire or Kaiju
We got Tabitha with us again in a very varied drink choices.

Episode 24.) Tabitha Enters
Hey guys new person and guest appearance!

Episode 23.) The Valentines Day Special!
Hey everyone! We hope you enjoy this romantic weekend with new friends old friends or loved ones!

Larp Corner 2.) Title to be discussed eventually
Bonus episode for you guys for last weeks failure. Hope you enjoy our larp tales!

Episode 22.) Universal Cat Trivia
Hey guys! Sorry for the short episode this week but we will make up for it later!

Episode 21.) True Crime Redux
Rose and I go back to a time that we forgot, where we both gush over all the true criminess.

Episode 20.) Surprisingly Not That Bad (ft Brian and Jeff)
Jeff and Brian are with us again to discuss more hobbies and what they would rather do in hypothetical situations!

Episode 19.) The Red Episode (feat Jeff & Brian)

Episode 18.) Peaceful Easy Drinking

Episode 17.) Much Ado About Larping (Feat Jeff)
Hey everyone! Its me and a guest house this week and don't worry everyone SHOULD be back next week. If you want us to do more of this kind of thing or to hear more of Jeff just let us know!

Episode 16.) We Did It Our Way
This episode we go over some of the new things some of the things we should have done and things we didn't do. Enjoy us for a more behind the scenes episode.

Episode 15.) Our First Xmas Episode
Happy Holidays Everybody! We get into the holiday spirits with holiday drinks and side tangents!

Episode 14.) Opposite of Bad
This week we get to try our BEST drinks of the year! Also we try out something new with Pod Decks!
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Episode 13.) Penance
We go back to our worst three drinks and tell sad and embarrassing stories.

Episode 12.) Much to Wine About
Nerdy November comes to a close but with that our new permanent member joins the fray! Also we are aware of the weird noises but are unable to deal with them due to lack of editing experience. We will be sure to fix it next episode.

Episode 11.) Thanksgiving episode
No Dane this week but we have Rose in her first official episode! We chat about thanksgiving while acting adorable,

Episode 10.) The Cinnamon Must Flow
We get ourselves a variety of nerdoms today to drink about, Dane also breaks down in hysterics.

Episode 9.) Fallout of Nerdy November
Hello and Welcome to Nerdy November! Where we just talk, discuss, and gush over a bunch of nerdy topics!

Episode 8.) The Spookums
In this episode we try really hard drinks while talking about spoopy and sweet topics.

Episode 7.) The Decadent Episode
In this episode we talk about what makes the world go round and we also give tips on how to save money on the spooky season.

Episode 6.) This Is Going To Hurt 2: Electric Boogaloo
This episode Dane and Luke are stuck with 2 shots and bitter drinks. Come listen to see how we handle it!

Episode 5.) The Killer Episode
In this episode of Whats New Barkeep Luke and Dane dip their toes into the true crime world

Episode 4.) Can't See the Tropics for the Pines
This episode we tell a little bit more about ourselves.

Episode 3.) Nerd Stuff
This is where we gush over our love of nerdy topics, hopefully you can relate!

Episode 2.) Bar Tips
This episode is just us giving tips to those who are either brand new or completely inexperienced with the bars. Most bar goers will know these tips be we hope that you guys listen in as well!

Episode 1.) Introductions
This is literally our first ever podcast recording, thank you for listening to our early mistakes, editing errors, and flubs!