Men Talking Mindfulness

Undoing Self Sabotage with Dr. Robb Kelly

Published: 8 March 2022 at 10:00 UTC

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Episode notes

Self Sabotage… it’s when we say we want something and then go about making sure it doesn’t happen … Author Alyce Cornyn-Selby  

Welcome to Men Talking Mindfulness where we do our best to de-mystify and make mindfulness meaningful to you…

To help us understand Self Sabotage … what it is, why it’s so pervasive and so destructive, and how to decrease it in our lives, we’re bringing one of our previous guests back, Dr. Robb Kelly.  

Dr. Robb Kelly is a world-renowned addiction expert and CEO of Robb Kelly Recovery. He has appeared on multiple TV Talk shows, holds two PhD’s with his first from in Philosophy from Oxford University and the second from University of SouthHampton in Behavioral Science.   This is Dr Robb’s second appearance on MTM. We are super stoked to have him back and feel he is one of  the best teachers we can interview to help us understand what Self Sabotage is, where it comes from, and how to get past it.   If you would like to hear more from Dr Robb and learn more about him please check out our first MTM podcast interview with him on “Understanding Addiction” we will drop the pod link in the comments. (Pod link:

Estimated Time Stamps

01:00 Self-Sabotage with Dr. Robb Kelly

03:30 Introducing Dr. Robb Kelly

5:00 Jon leads Opening Ground Practice (~3 min)

8:00 Dr. Kelly’s experience with self-sabotage

11:30 The power of your internal dialogue

17:00 Is it a fear of Failure or a fear of Success?

18:00 Your early trauma will become your inner guide

22:30 How Will started living his dream

25:30 Start with a routine and a checklist

28:00 Content Warning - Story of kidnapping and sexual assault

29:30 The missing buttons

32:00 Content Warning - Child abuse

33:30 Everything happens for a reason

35:00 Everyday self-sabotage and creating new patterns

40:00 The mind and the brain are two different things

48:00 Circle of influences

55:00 Will leads Closing Grounding Practice (~1 min)

About our hosts:  Will is excited to teach you how to develop self-mastery. From teaching and practicing for the last 19 years, he feels it's a joy to work with long-time practitioners and students that have never tried these practices before or have only dabbled. Stripping away all the fancy words and esoteric language has helped all his students embody these practices in a meaningful and sustainable way. This unique approach has placed him as one of the most sought-after teachers in all of New York City (ClassPass 2017) and beyond.  Email: [email protected] Website:  

Jon is a Navy SEAL Commander turned mindfulness and meditation teacher. He’s a Naval Academy graduate and has his masters in Operations Research from the Naval Postgraduate School. Jon has served in Iraq, Afghanistan, off the coast of Somalia, and in Panama.  Since ending his 24-year military career in June 2020, Jon is now dedicated to spreading the practices of meditation and mindfulness to help others live happier and more fulfilling lives.  Email: [email protected]  Website:    

Opening and closing Music: Malecon by Soyb & Amine Maxwell Creative Commons —   Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library

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