Smaller Waste for 2021
By Julia Schafer

Podcast 19 - Preserving the Harvest at Tullamore Farm
Today I am delighted to have on the show Carol O’Sullivan from Tullamore Farm. You may remember a couple of weeks back I had Bill O’Sullivan on and we talked about their farm tours and workshops they conduct at the farm. While I was there Bill showed me the amazing commercial fridges they had out the back which housed all of the produce that was harvested in little containers ready to use in cooking. I was in awe of all this preparation and asked if Carol would come on the show to share with us a bit about her waste free journey and the processes she uses to preserve their harvests.
Thanks for listening and if you would like to hear more about how you can live a more sustainable life check out Lighter Footprints on all the socials and my blog www.lighterfootprints.com.au. Oh and if you have a sustainable business or product you would like featured on the show just email us at lighterfootprints01@gmail.com and our admin will send you out a sponsorship pack. Until next week, remember one person can make a difference.

Podcast 18 - Home Composting, saving food waste from landfill.
Don Bourke once said no soil is as good as the soil you already have. Meaning don’t bother wasting you money on expensive organic potting mix when you can adjust, add to and boost the soil you already have.
So on todays podcast I would like to take you through one of the easiest methods to improve soil quality to get the most out of your garden, whether it be covered in flowers or natives or a food producing oasis.
If you would like to hear more about how you can live a more sustainable life check out Lighter Footprints on all the socials and my blog www.lighterfootprints.com.au. Oh and if you have a sustainable business or product you would like featured on the show just email us at lighterfootprints01@gmail.com and our admin will send you out a sponsorship pack. Until next week, remember one person can make a difference.

Podcast 17 - Sustainable Camping
How lucky we are to live in Queensland. Now that some of the restrictions have eased and we can travel freely within our State our little group of friends have loaded up their vans and headed off for some Aussie bush camping. Not only is it a great way for this nature lover to spend time relaxing but as we have found it is an inexpensive way of holidaying which also helps support regional townships and businesses that have been suffering from the effects of bushfires, droughts and COVID 19. Today I talk about how I set up our camper for maximum fun and minimum impact on the environment.
Leave me a voice message and tell me what your favourite camping sustainability hacks are!
This podcast is sponsored by The Travel Show Australia. The Travel Show Australia is a new marketing platform reconnecting people and places to Travel. Inspire. Grow. The Travel Show Australia showcases YOU. Visit www.thetravelshow.com.au
Oh and if you would like to hear more about how you can live a more sustainable life check out Lighter Footprints on all the socials and my blog www.lighterfootprints.com.au. Oh and if you have a sustainable business or product you would like featured on the show just email us at lighterfootprints01@gmail.com and our admin will send you out a sponsorship pack. Until next week, remember one person can make a difference.

Podcast 16 - Where Do I Recycle That?
Have you heard the quote “there is no such thing as away? I mean if you throw something away it goes somewhere doesn’t it, not away but to landfill or to recycling, or the compost or worm farm. With this in mind in our home we try to be conscious BEFORE throwing something away. It really just takes a moment, a breath, to stop and think before putting something in the bin. You see everything is of value, literally everything. If it cant be ingested by worms or decompose in the compost then its components may be of use to someone, or to make another product to to be melted and served for its component parts to make another widget.
Oh and if you would like to hear more about how you can live a more sustainable life check out Lighter Footprints on all the socials and my blog www.lighterfootprints.com.au. Oh and if you have a sustainable business or product you would like featured on the show just email us at lighterfootprints01@gmail.com and our admin will send you out a sponsorship pack. Until next week, remember one person can make a difference.

Podcast 15 - Sustainable Business - Love Thy Earth
Today I’m privileged to have on the show the founder of Love Thy Earth, Renee Hillier. Love Thy Earth is an Australian Company providing environmentally friendly solutions to our earths growing plastic waste problem. Providing ethically made Australian fashion and luxe reusables that are made to last has created a fan and customer base that is growing every day, all of whom are on the same page, leaving a lighter footprint on the Planet.
Renee and I chat about what prompted her passion business and how her products have made "being prepared" when you are on the go, easy and affordable.
You can find Love Thy Earth on the following:
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/LoveThyEarth.Products
WEBSITE https://lovethyearth.com.au
Oh and if you would like to hear more about how you can live a more sustainable life check out Lighter Footprints on all the socials and my blog www.lighterfootprints.com.au. Oh and if you have a sustainable business or product you would like featured on the show just email us at lighterfootprints01@gmail.com and our admin will send you out a sponsorship pack. Until next week, remember one person can make a difference.

Podcast 14 - Sustainable Business - Tullamore Farm
Today I am so excited to have on the podcast Bill O’Sullivan who is in my opinion living the dream! Bill and his wife Carol in several years ago now bought 306 acres in Kerry just outside of Beaudesert and have created a food growers oasis, which they open up for tours and hold workshops in bee keeping, veggie growing, and general farm tours so you can experience this paradise first hand. Bill has a wealth of practical knowledge which he freely shares and there is the opportunity to buy fresh produce when there is a surplus and timber products. Bill shares his insight into growing food on your suburban patch, how to minimise your food waste and the benefits of eating locally and seasonally.
If you would like to join one of Bill's tours hop over to his Facebook page Tullamore Farm and check out their events. Also give them a follow on instagram to stay in touch @tullamore_farm_beaudesert.
And if you would like to hear more about how you can live a more sustainable life check out Lighter Footprints on all the socials and my blog www.lighterfootprints.com.au. Oh and if you have a sustainable business or product you would like featured on the show just email us at lighterfootprints01@gmail.com and our admin will send you out a sponsorship pack. Until next week, remember one person can make a difference.

Podcast 13 - Sustainable Products - Beeswax Wraps
I’m excited to introduce Jacqui Dunn to the podcast today. Jacqui is the founder and owner of No More Plastic Beeswax Wraps a business she developed because she cares about the environment. Today she shares with us how and why she started her business as well as giving us some tips about what you need to do if you have a sustainable product or idea that you want to take to market.
Also we are giving away another packet of four No More Plastic Beeswax Wraps on the instagram account, so pop over there are give us a like and tag a friend who could use some of these amazing plastic alternatives.
Thanks for listening and if you would like to hear more about how you can live a more sustainable life check out Lighter Footprints on all the socials and my blog www.lighterfootprints.com.au. Oh and if you have a sustainable business or product you would like featured on the show just email us at lighterfootprints01@gmail.com and our admin will send you out a sponsorship pack. Until next week, remember one person can make a difference.

Podcast 12 - How Less Stuff Equals Less Waste
What would it be like to live with your husband and 13 year old daughter in just 57 square meters? Today I'm talking with Moneita Sharpe, who is doing just that! Moneita has been an entrepreneur, property developer, karate dojo owner and international flight attendant. She has gone from a large home with five bedrooms and all the trappings to a duplex and then to a tiny home hidden in a lush rainforest in the Gold Coast Hinterland. The floor space is only 57 square meters! I’m so excited to welcome Moneita from @livingtinyfreedom to the podcast today to have a chat about how living with less has given her more than she ever expected.
Thanks for listening and if you would like to hear more about how you can live a more sustainable life check out Lighter Footprints on all the socials and my blog www.lighterfootprints.com.au. Oh and if you have a sustainable business or product you would like featured on the show just email us at lighterfootprints01@gmail.com and our admin will send you out a sponsorship pack.

Podcast 11 - Waste Free Meals for Kids
Today we talk to mum of two, Registered Nurse and Hypno-birthing practitioner Kate Martyn about the ways she uses to create waste free, organic, raw food meals that her kids love! If you think that getting your kids to eat their veggies is a challenge and creating meals with less waste is near impossible check out the podcast of my little chat with Kate.
Kates socials are:
@coastalbirthingand beyond and @Kates_lunchboxes on instagram.
If you are interested in having boxes of organic fruit and veggies delivered to your door check out Organic Foodshare on Facebook.
Thanks for listening and if you would like to hear more about how you can live a more sustainable life check out Lighter Footprints on all the socials and my blog www.lighterfootprints.com.au. Oh and if you have a sustainable business or product you would like featured on the show just email us at lighterfootprints01@gmail.com and our admin will send you out a sponsorship pack. Until next week, remember one person can make a difference.

Podcast 10 - Less Waste Laundry
Todays topic is all about the laundry and I have some simple suggestions for how to create an area of less waste whilst also considering swapping to products which are less harsh on your family and the environment.
From laundry liquid to the way we dry our clothes, clothes pegs to washing baskets we can all make simple swaps to reduce our family's waste, reliance on plastics and save money and the environment... if this peaks your interest then have a listen to this week's podcast.
And if you have a sustainable business or product you would like featured on the show just email us at lighterfootprints01@gmail.com and our admin will send you out a sponsorship pack.

Podcast 9 - Bathroom Basics
660 thousand tonnes of plastic waste every year is created by Australians. Guess how long it takes Australian households to throw out 1 tonne of plastic waste? 1 month? 1 week? 1 day? 10 minutes? Nope! 1 minute! It takes only 1 minute for Australians to produce 1 tonne of plastic waste. In one day, we produce enough plastic waste to fill an entire beach. ARGH
The fact of the matter is plastic is designed to last forever. However, we’re often using single-use plastic items for only a couple of minutes. In bathrooms that might be the cotton bud you use to tidy your mascara or clean out your ear wax. Or plastic items like toothbrushes and shampoo bottles might stay in the house for weeks/months but then where do they end up? In the bin. It’s shameful to realise that only 20% of Australian household plastic waste is recycled. But remember the five r’s, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot. I want us to start with the first Refuse because their are alternatives my friends, ones that don’t have plastic involved, so lets have a look at those simple swaps you can do in the bathroom to reduce your plastic waste and other single use items that might not be plastic but do have alternatives.
Thanks for listening and if you would like to hear more about how you can live a more sustainable life check out Lighter Footprints on all the socials and my blog www.lighterfootprints.com.au. Oh and if you have a sustainable business or product you would like featured on the show just email us at lighterfootprints01@gmail.com and our admin will send you out a sponsorship pack. Until next week, remember one person can make a difference.

Podcast 8 - Conscious Kitchen
Todays area of transformation is the kitchen and what better way to start than to say todays episode is sponsored by No More Plastic Beeswax Food Wraps which are available on Amazon for just $19.99, check out this link to buy some now bit.ly/BeeswaxSmallerWaste or for a chance to WIN a pack of 4 No More Plastic Beeswax Food Wraps hop on our Instagram page @lighter_foot_prints click FOLLOW, find the post with a picture of the competition and tag someone who you think would like a pack. I’ll announce the winner next Monday on the instagram page. Good Luck!
Oh and if you have a sustainable business or product you would like featured on the show just email us at lighterfootprints01@gmail.com and our admin will send you out a sponsorship pack.

Podcast 7 - Conscious Clothing
Australians buy an average of 27kg of textiles each year (including leather and home linens) and then discard 23kg into landfill, mostly synthetic fibres. So the amount of textiles Australians consume annually is double the global average of 13kg a person.
That's not a good stat for Australia am I right!
This week we look into textile waste and explore some alternatives to synthetic fabrics as we journey towards leaving a lighter footprint on the Planet.

Podcast 6 - Green Cleaning
One of the greatest areas to effect some change in your home towards less waste is the kitchen. Just look under your kitchen sink… is it filled with spray bottles with all sorts of different chemicals for cleaning, microfibres and scourers, cleansers and dish tabs? In realty in order to live a cleaner greener way we need to be able to do away with all the toxic chemicals and go back to basics, back to how our grandparents did it.
Have a listen to this podcast and find out some simple ways to keep your home spick and span without harmful chemicals and with less waste.

Podcast 5 - Zero Waste Travel
This past week I have been on a much deserved and anticipated holiday in Airlie Beach for our 30th wedding anniversary. I was posting photos on face book and one of my friends Denna Szwajkowski from the Travel Show Australia said hey Julia why don’t you do a sustainable travel podcast this week? Great idea! So todays episode is the result. It kinda follows on for my eco on the go podcast but with particular focus on travel with some suggestion about how you and your family can minimise your waste when on holidays.

Podcast 4 - Water Wise Ideas

Podcast 3 - Food Waste
With the kids heading back to school I thought it would be a good time to talk about food waste and how we can reduce the amount of food waste as a family we produce each year and prevent it from going to landfill.
In landfill organic and food waste produces methane, a greenhouse gas with 20 times the capacity for global warming than carbon dioxide!
If that fact peaked your interest then have a listen and learn how through reducing your family's food waste you can help to leave a lighter footprint on the Planet.

Podcast 2 - Eco on the Go

Podcast 1 - Dive into your Waste
If like me you have set the intention for 2021 to reduce your family's waste, CONGRATULATIONS! This podcast will help get you started on your way. Sometimes its so hard to know where to start so my aim each week is to share with you simple, practical things you can do (and some that are a bit more tricky and need some planning). This week we hop into the family's rubbish bin (or trash can), I share with you the FIVE R's of waste management and give you and your family a task to start you on your way.
So where to start is here, every week and make sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode.
Thanks for listening!