Here For The Craic with Emma Neill

Here For The Craic with Emma Neill

By Emma Neill

chatting shite about anything and everything
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Girly Chats #8 getting back with an ex, confidence on social media, gym anxiety

Here For The Craic with Emma NeillMay 15, 2023
Girly Chats #8 getting back with an ex, confidence on social media, gym anxiety

Girly Chats #8 getting back with an ex, confidence on social media, gym anxiety

So excited to be back with another girly chats episode for you guys! We talk about getting back together with an ex, whether you stand a chance as someone's rebound, building your confidence on social media, exploring your sexuality, going back to uni at 22 and making friends, and getting over your fear of going to the gym. Thanks for sending in your dilemmas❤️

May 15, 202346:43
friendships: communication, cutting off, fatal flaws

friendships: communication, cutting off, fatal flaws

Let's talk about friendships and how they differ from romantic relationships in so many ways. What standards and expectations should we have of our friends? How do we accept friendships for what they are and what they bring to your life? Does every friend have a fatal flaw that you have to decide whether you can live with or not? Communication within friendships can sometimes feel like a minefield for me, knowing where the line is on what's important and needs to be discussed vs what's not worth causing a fuss over and can be swept under the rug is something I'm still trying to work out😅

May 08, 202348:45
you can do anything but you can't do everything

you can do anything but you can't do everything

Is it just me, or is the amount of options / paths you can take and lives you can live seem ridiculously overwhelming? Like what if I want to be an island girl and a city girl? What if I want to be a diving instructor in Thailand, an English teacher in Barcelona, a stripper in New York, and a chef in Paris? Can we do it all? Is it possible to live all these different lives and do them well? Or do we have to pick one and stick to it... but what if that decision isn't the 'right' one?

May 01, 202346:31
should all relationships be hard work?

should all relationships be hard work?

I feel like the words compromise and sacrifice are two words we hear ALL the time when talking about making relationships work, but do we take compromise too far sometimes to the point that we're actually just settling or lowering our standards? What actually is compromise and how does it play out in a relationship that is beneficial for both people?

Apr 24, 202333:39
help im having an identity crisis

help im having an identity crisis

Is there something in the water or is it just the quarterly crisis? Between final year of uni coming to an end and going through a breakup, I feel like I don't know myself? Maybe we're in our re-find ourselves era..

Apr 17, 202350:43
the comfort zone, insecurities and expressing grattitude

the comfort zone, insecurities and expressing grattitude

On this weeks episode I'm diving into the various methods which Phil Stutz teaches or as he calls them 'tools' that he has developed over years of working as a therapist that have really helped him and his clients. This episode follows on from January's 'does your mental health depend on your relationship with your physical body?' episode, where I talked about Stutz's life force pyramid theory, after watching his Netflix documentary, which sparked me to read his book, The Tools.

Music by Jorge Gill

Artwork by Molly Rae

Apr 10, 202352:26


eeeeek thank you all so much❤️

Apr 03, 202329:42
sustainable fashion is an oxymoron?

sustainable fashion is an oxymoron?

I think this may be one of my favourite episodes yet!! A topic I don't discuss often (which I explain why) but nevertheless an important one. I talk about the difference between sustainable fashion, ethically made fashion, and slow fashion, I talk a little bit about fashion history (pop off uni degree), and I discuss whether or not sustainable fashion is an oxymoron. Thank you so much to Styles for sponsoring this episode, click the link below to download the Styles app now!!!❤️

Mar 27, 202301:00:30
fashion faux pas

fashion faux pas

This week's episode I'm telling you guys all of the fashion trends you won't see me jumping on board with and the colour combos that I just can't wrap my head around!!! Something a bit more light hearted than the last few weeks😅 plssss don't take anything offensively the beauty of fashion is that we all have different tastes and styles and that's what makes the world wonderful🥰🥰

Mar 20, 202340:38
society's obsession with youth

society's obsession with youth

On this week's episode of Here For The Craic we are taking a deep dive into society's obsession with youth, discussing the booming anti-ageing industry, beauty standards, our 'prime', and young successes. 

Music by Jorge Gill

Mar 13, 202346:25
toxic relationships and love addiction

toxic relationships and love addiction

On this week's episode of Here For The Craic we are discussing how our brains react to toxic relationships, love and heartbreak and how basically love is like a drug!!! Hope you enjoy❤️

Music by Jorge Gill

Mar 06, 202342:50
tips on heartbreak

tips on heartbreak

Welllll this episode has been a long time coming... finally I feel like I'm at a place where I'm able to discuss heartbreak and my breakup without crying to you guys for an hour straight😅 In this week's episode I tell you my top 11 tips in getting through heartbreak, changing your mindset, and coming out the other side bigger and better. Time is a great healer but I really believe what you do in that time matters and can accelerate you through it and help you learn more about yourself than you ever have. Heartbreak is the worst kind of pain and if you're going through it my heart really does go out to you but please know this is such a small chapter of your life, there is so much more out there and you are on to bigger and better things❤️🥰

Music by Jorge Gill

Feb 27, 202359:47
anxiety, panic attacks and public speaking

anxiety, panic attacks and public speaking

Hellooo my lovelies. This week's episode we're talking all things anxiety related. I speak a little bit about my journey with anxiety and the different times in my life that it has affected me and how I've dealt with it. I also talk a lot about my fear of public speaking / performance anxiety and go through some of your messages with all your tips and tricks on how to tackle this! Hope you enjoy🥰

Music by Jorge Gill

Feb 20, 202301:07:22
am I an alcoholic?

am I an alcoholic?

The word alcoholic has become a bit of a dirty word, it has negative connotations and negative stereotypes associated with it, but in actual fact.. we pretty much all have dependency issues when it comes to alcohol even if we don't want to admit it or see it as a problem. If I told you you couldn't drink for the next year of your life, wouldn't you panic? It has become so normalised and ingrained into our society, working its way into every occasion, event, celebration, break-up, day ending in y, basically no matter what the occurrence, why wouldn't alcohol be involved? On this weeks episode I'm unpacking mine and society's relationship with alcohol, debating how I want it to be a part of my life, and why it's important for me to build a life that doesn't revolve around waiting for the next drink and avoiding my emotions by reaching for the bottle. 

Music by Jorge Gill

Feb 13, 202301:03:38
Girly Chats #7 toxic relationships, lads holidays, moving in with your partner & imposter syndrome

Girly Chats #7 toxic relationships, lads holidays, moving in with your partner & imposter syndrome

Back with another girly chats episode answering allll of your dilemmas🥰 I discuss how to deal with a friends toxic partner, whether moving in with your partner is always the best idea and some tips for making sure things don't go haywire, lads / girls holidays, how to breakup with your therapist, experiencing imposter syndrome at university, and so much more!! Hope you love❤️

Feb 06, 202346:46
does your mental health depend on your relationship with your physical body?

does your mental health depend on your relationship with your physical body?

Hellooo my queens❤️ recently I watched Jonah Hills movie on Netflix, Stutz, where Jonah discusses with his therapist, Phil Stutz, the various methods or as he calls them 'tools' that he has learned over years of therapy that have really helped him in his life. One of the very first things they get into is this idea of a 'life force pyramid', and how each of its elements affect your mental health, which is what I delve into in this week's episode. We discuss how your relationship with your physical body, with yourself / your mind, and your relationship with others all play into this. Hope you enjoy!🥰

Music by Jorge Gill

Jan 30, 202353:51
if he wanted to he would?

if he wanted to he would?

This week I'm joined by a special guest!!! My bestie Aoife❤️❤️ we are discussing some relationship theories and theories about men that keep popping up on our TikTok fyp, like the whole 'if he wanted to he would' phenomenon, and giving our opinions and takes on them. So buzzed about my new intro and outro music! Hope you love it as much as I do xxx

Music by Jorge Gill

Jan 23, 202358:24
2023 ins and outs

2023 ins and outs

Back this week with my what's in and what's out list for 2023. In - listening to here for the craic, out - not listening to here for the craic. Hope you enjoyyyy🥰

Jan 16, 202349:58
22 things I learnt in 2022 #2

22 things I learnt in 2022 #2

We're back with part two of 22 things I learnt in 2022. This was very therapeutic for me, I highly recommend you guys do the same to reflect on your year and remember some of the lessons you have learnt and can take into the new year. As king kylie says its like the year of just realising stuff....

Jan 09, 202344:23
22 things I learnt in 2022 #1

22 things I learnt in 2022 #1

Happy New Year my queens❤️❤️❤️ on this weeks episode I'm talking through some of the things I have learnt this year, some hard hitting and some a little more light hearted. I'll be back next week with part 2 xxx

Jan 02, 202348:43
my goals for 2023

my goals for 2023

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas❤️❤️ For this weeks episode I'm talking you through 15 of my (realistic) goals for the new year. All wholesome af because that's what we are going for in 2023!!! This was actually very therapeutic for me to talk through, hopefully it sparks something in you or gives you some ideas of how you would like your 2023 to look. Lots of love xxx

Dec 26, 202246:60
christmas do drama

christmas do drama

Is free booze + a load of work colleagues thrown together always a recipe for disaster? On this week's episode I'm spilling the tea on all your juicy Christmas party stories🤫 Merry Christmas everyone❤️❤️❤️

Dec 19, 202232:53


I'm sure by now we're all pretty familiar with having the most basic things mansplained to us, from how to make a cup of tea, to the degree that we're actually studying. In this episode I'm reading out the most ridiculous things you guys have had mansplained to you, the most ridiculous and elaborate lies a man has ever told you (and a lot of the time got away with?!), and of course the most embarrassing things us simps have done for a man who wouldn't lift his pinky finger for you❤️ I think this episode has turned me celibate for a while. 

Dec 12, 202225:30


As the old saying goes 'Don't let perfect be the enemy of good' and that's what this weeks episode is all about. How striving for perfection can prevent you from getting things done, where this all or nothing mentality comes from, and how to find a balance that works for you and doesn't make you feel burnt out and over-worked. 

Dec 05, 202238:01
Girly Chats #6 am I settling? am I in love? am I attracted to someone else?

Girly Chats #6 am I settling? am I in love? am I attracted to someone else?

We're back with another girly chats episode where I answer all the questions you're too scared to ask your friends! This week we talk about complimenting your partner and why it's so important, whether or not you should still be attracted to people when in a relationship, how you know if you're in love, and so much more😙 

Nov 28, 202233:08
who even is 'that girl'???

who even is 'that girl'???

Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. Is 'that girl' just Gen Z's version of the millennial 'girlboss'? repackaged with a slicked back bun and a pair of gold hoops? In this week's episode I'm discussing the various forms of so called 'feminism' that have evolved as a result of neoliberalism. From Margaret Thatcher to Sophia Amoruso, I discuss how women stepping into positions of power isn't always a success for women or feminism. 

Relevant article links:

Nov 21, 202249:41
30 tips to combat seasonal depression

30 tips to combat seasonal depression

I spoke about seasonal depression briefly in a recent episode, but since the clocks going back and the days getting much shorter, I figured we all could do with some tips to get us through it, so with your help I composed a list of 30 tips to help us through winter this year🥰

Nov 14, 202248:27
embarrassing sex stories

embarrassing sex stories

Who would've thought I'd be here reading out your embarrassing sex stories..... but here I am. Hope you enjoy this one, basically me laughing for 30 mins straight😅

Nov 07, 202233:13
dating: non negotiables and red flags🚩

dating: non negotiables and red flags🚩

Do you think it's important to share the same political beliefs as your partner? On this week's episode of Here For The Craic, I'm telling you my non negotiables when it comes to dating, my major red flags, and discussing what is important to agree on or ok to disagree on.

Oct 31, 202239:31
Girly Chats #5 getting over someone, trust issues and seasonal depression baby

Girly Chats #5 getting over someone, trust issues and seasonal depression baby

Back with number 4 of the girly chats series. This week we're discussing getting over your ex, how to deal with having trust issues, contraceptions, dealing with housemates, coping with season depression, and heaps more!!! 

Oct 24, 202238:41
learning to accept yourself

learning to accept yourself

TW some talk (nothing in depth) of eating disorders.

In this weeks episode I'm discussing everything that helps me in my journey to self acceptance, whether that's my body, face, life, or just me as a person. Everyone struggles at some point in their life with self acceptance, and it's not something you reach one day and all of a sudden think, wow I accept myself wholly and don't need to think about this anymore. It's a lifelong journey that will have dips and peaks but will always require conscious effort to undo certain habits or thought patterns and to critically analyse the constant messages that we are bombarded with by the media on a daily basis. This is big topic and something I've wanted to discuss for a while now, and for some reason this week it just felt right🥰 I really hope this episode helps some of you in some way, shape or form, whether it's just by giving you a little motivation, or by shifting your mindset completely. Love you all lots and remember you are so much more than your appearance❤️

Oct 17, 202201:08:03
the post break up crazies

the post break up crazies

This week I'm telling all your post break up stories after asking what's the craziest thing you or your ex did post break up. Sit back and listen as I spill the teaaaa🤫

Oct 10, 202227:31
success, money, purpose and daily fulfilment

success, money, purpose and daily fulfilment

Does money=happiness? Does being successful bring contentment? What gives you purpose and how do you achieve daily fulfilment? On today's episode we are answering some big questions, and getting to the bottom of what really matters on this weird and wonderful floating rock. I really hope you enjoy this episode because it really put me at ease and into a better mind set just by talking about these things and reading your answers🥰❤️

Oct 03, 202243:50
extra juicy cheating stories

extra juicy cheating stories

Following on from last weeks episode 'Is it ever ok to cheat on your partner?', this week I'm back to share more of your juicy cheating stories🤫

Sep 27, 202232:26
Is cheating on your partner ever ok?

Is cheating on your partner ever ok?

This weeks episode we are diving into cheating and discussing whether it's ever ok, if you should stay in a relationship after being cheated on, and plenty more! Plus you guys sent in your juicy cheating stories for me to tell, don't worry they're all anon🤫

Sep 20, 202254:13
how to survive going back to / starting uni

how to survive going back to / starting uni

Right on time for starting uni this September, I'm giving you my uni related tips that I wish someone told me when I was starting!! From organisational tips to general uni life advice, these are 14 things that I hope will help you all starting (or returning to) university🥰

Sep 12, 202241:33
crying over curry sauce

crying over curry sauce

Who doesn't love a good cry? I put up a poll on my Instagram story asking for the funniest and most ridiculous things you guys have cried at and if there's one thing I've learnt about all of us, it's that we are criers. 

Sep 05, 202235:28
what the f*ck are gender norms and who do they benefit?

what the f*ck are gender norms and who do they benefit?

This weeks episode I'm talking everything from gender roles and norms to stereotypes, binaries, the sexualisation of women's bodies, and the ever-changing beauty standard. This is a huge topic and I'm only scratching the surface!!! The book I refer to throughout this podcast is called Girls Will Be Girls by Emer O'Toole.

Aug 27, 202237:57
he's a 10 but...

he's a 10 but...

This week's episode I'm hopping on the he's a 10 but bandwagon and giving you an update/recap of my mole removal surgery. This was so funny to record, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed recording it!!!🥰

Aug 16, 202237:06
Girly Chats #4 pubes, fomo, body count and knowing your worth

Girly Chats #4 pubes, fomo, body count and knowing your worth

Hello lovelies, back with number 4 in the girly chats series and here to give my (questionable) take on all of your dilemmas! From discussing body hair and body counts, to dealing with fomo, acne flare ups, knowing your worth, and heaps more!! Hope you enjoy this one because I loved dishing out the advice on these topics🥰❤️

Aug 08, 202241:57
what is my love language?

what is my love language?

Have you ever wondered what your love language is but never bothered to look into it? This weeks episode I'm talking all about the 5 love languages and doing the love language quiz to find out what mine is. It's important to know that love languages aren't mutually exclusive and actually most people are a combination of all 5 of them, but knowing what's important to you and your partner can make the world of a difference when it comes to communicating love. 

Link for the quiz I did on this episode:

Link for the quiz I refer to that gives you percentages of all 5:

Aug 02, 202234:54
all about fashion marketing ft. mental breakdown

all about fashion marketing ft. mental breakdown

This episode was meant to just be the ins and outs of my uni course, Fashion Marketing, but ended up in a mini mental breakdown thinking about the future😅 just one of those days I think. I get into my degree specifics, module options, assignments, and talk about my fears for final year.

Jul 26, 202201:02:45
my love/hate relationship with alcohol

my love/hate relationship with alcohol

This weeks episode is all about alcohol in our culture and how we view it as a society, my love/hate relationship with it, and how we can start to make plans that don't always revolve around alcohol. Don't get me wrong, I love a good drink, I just hate my relationship with it and how it feels like an inevitable of socialising. Enjoy💕

Jul 18, 202250:50
female solo travel Q&A

female solo travel Q&A

Hey guys! This week episode I'm answering all your questions with regards to solo travelling as a female, from safety and budgeting tips to bag and shoe recommendations. Hope you enjoy🥰🥰

Jul 11, 202249:19
I'm a qualified yoga instructor bbyyyyy

I'm a qualified yoga instructor bbyyyyy

Ya girl has returned from India and is sharing everything you need to know about the Yoga Teacher Training Course!! I discuss my experience, how I decided where to go, what my school and schedule was like, and I answer all your YTTC related questions. 

Jul 04, 202201:19:34
building good habits

building good habits

For this episode I'm talking through all the steps in James Clear's book Atomic Habits. A really great and practical read that I took a lot away from when I read it last year and wanted to share it with you guys. Would highly recommend reading it if you get the chance! Our days are literally based around our habits and we have the ability to change them no matter how big or small🥰❤️

Jun 23, 202239:53
Funny First Dates #2

Funny First Dates #2

Thanks for sending in all your tinder horror stories, where do boys get the audacity I would love to know💀

Jun 14, 202240:25
monogamy, polyamory, and soul-mates

monogamy, polyamory, and soul-mates

Hellooo everyone. This weeks episode was inspired by Florence Given's episode on polyamory, except I wanted to know your guys thoughts, opinions and experiences. I discuss monogamy and polyamory, whether we are supposed to be monogamous as human beings, and how I feel about the term 'soul-mates'. This was a really interesting one so thanks for all your input🥰 lots of love xxx

Jun 02, 202240:21
Travel Diaries #2 i may have shat me self?

Travel Diaries #2 i may have shat me self?

Hellooo queens I'm back with another travel diaries episode, one absolutely mortifying story and the other... well it resulted in the image shown in the podcast cover☺️ completely outing myself here for the craic, so hopefully it's slightly entertaining even if it is at my expense😌

May 25, 202242:29
the reality of university

the reality of university

Hellooo you lot this week I'm talking about how different my expectations of university were compared to the reality, I talk about loneliness, the jump from school to uni, and feeling out of place in a new environment. Hope you enjoy💕

May 16, 202245:28