Dashu Mandarin Podcast
By 李璨理查BEN
Hello, everyone, it's Dashu Mandarin here. We're three Chinese teachers that focus on providing authentic and valuable Chinese learning materials for the Chinese learners of intermediate level and above. In this Podcast, we will talk about all kinds of things concerning China and Chinese culture, society, etc.
You can also watch the video version on YouTube:
Welcome to join us.
You can also watch the video version on YouTube:
Welcome to join us.

Dashu Mandarin PodcastMar 24, 2025

Chinese Podcast EP 141: How to Self-Study Chinese: Must-Know Tips for Chinese Learners in 2025
Mar 24, 202558:29

Chinese Podcast EP140: Chinese Boy's First Love 中国男孩的初恋 |
Mar 24, 202537:19

Chinese Podcast EP139: Which is Best for Learning Chinese: Podcast, Vlog or Book? 播客书Vlog学习中文哪个好?
Learn Chinese with Dashu Every Day at Uncle's Little Base: https://dashumandarin.com/---Collab with Teacher Shenglan (肖胜兰老师):今天大叔们邀请到了来自长沙的胜兰老师,她是一名独特的汉语老师,特别是她的视频风格好像一个憩静的吟游诗人,慢慢悠悠地诉说自己的想法和生活,让学习者沈浸其中,却又能学到中文之美。今天我们也聊到vlog、播客、书,那种更适合学生学习,大家千万别错过今天的播客!Today, Dashus invited Teacher Shenglan from Changsha. She is a unique Chinese teacher, especially known for her video style, which resembles a calm and peaceful wandering poet slowly expressing her thoughts and life. It immerses learners in the experience while allowing them to appreciate the beauty of the Chinese language. Today, we also talked about vlogs, podcasts, and books, discussing which is more suitable for students' learning. Don't miss today's podcast!
Mar 11, 202559:27

Chinese Podcast EP138: How Do Chinese People View International Marriages in China? | 中国人如何看待跨国婚姻?
How do Chinese people perceive cross-cultural marriages? In this episode, three uncles share their thoughts on the challenges, surprises, and realities of Chinese-foreigner relationships.
Mar 01, 202534:58

Chinese Podcast EP137: Uncle Ben Almost Died Because of...Ben叔的濒死体验
✨欢迎到大叔小站看更多学习材料:https://dashumandarin.com/In this episode of "大叔中文," we dive into a heartfelt and humorous discussion about health, fitness, and the importance of cherishing the present moment. From battling the flu to near-death experiences in the gym, we share personal stories that highlight the ups and downs of maintaining a healthy lifestyle as we age. We also touch on the impact of celebrity culture, the importance of family, and the value of open communication with loved ones.
Feb 24, 202533:48

Chinese Podcast Ep136: The Person We Are Most Grateful For in Life | 大叔生命中最感谢的人 |
Feb 15, 202524:04

Chinese Podcast EP135: Key to Mastering "Perfect" Chinese | "完美"中文的养成 | Jin老师采访
Feb 10, 202551:28

Chinese Podcast EP134: Chinese New Year Special Show | 大叔新春特别节目
Feb 10, 202542:34

Chinese Podcast Ep133: 5 Things You Seriously Shouldn't Say to Chinese 不能和中国人说的5件事
5 Things You Seriously Shouldn't Say to Chinese
Jan 30, 202530:55

Chinese Podcast Ep.132 Can You Learn Chinese Faster with Anki? 闪卡真是学习中文的好方法吗?
Download our Anki flashcards here:
(It's totally free.)
👉 Special thanks to Reflector for helping us create the Anki
✨ How to Use Anki:
1. Download the Desktop version of Anki software (It's free) from:
There is also a web and a mobile version (which is good for reviewing),
but the desktop version is the most flexible and best for creating
The decks can be synced between the versions.
2. Double click the deck file ("Dashu Starter Deck.apkg").
3. Click "Import" to import the deck.
4. On the Anki start screen, click the deck to start the study session.
Also, it's great to use keyboard shortcuts because the purpose is to
develop automaticity and one should go through the deck fairly quickly.
Jan 30, 202530:57

Chinese Podcast Ep131: Top 3 Trend Words in China for 2024 2024年中国3大流行词
Join us in this episode of our Chinese teaching podcast, hosted by three uncles, as we uncover the Top 3 Trending Phrases in China for 2024!
From the buzzword "workplace vibe" (班味) to the ever-popular "sense of ease" (松弛感), and one surprising trend you’ll never guess — we’ll dive into how these phrases reveal fascinating shifts in Chinese society.
Perfect for Chinese learners and anyone curious about modern Chinese culture. Tune in for fun, engaging, and insightful discussions with your favorite uncles!
Unlock your Chinese potential with DashuMandarin.com! Join our 小学生Membership to access exclusive videos designed for intermediate learners. With content tailored to HSK levels 3-4, 4-5, and 5-6, including Easy Story, Chengyu, Daily Life, Chinese Culture, Life Topics, and Chinese History, we’re here to help you break through your learning plateau and reach an advanced level in Chinese!
Click here: https://dashumandarin.com/
Jan 12, 202535:32

Chinese Podcast EP130: Why We Still Fail on YouTube after 2 Years of Trying? 大叔中文的观众为什么还是那么少?
In this episode of the Dashu Chinese Podcast, we dive into a tough but honest conversation about the challenges and struggles we've faced on YouTube, even after two years of trying. As creators, it can be discouraging to see slow growth, despite all the effort and hard work.
But what are the reasons behind it?
Become a Dashu小书虫 to unlock the access to all the epub ebooks in our
大叔小书屋: https://dashumandarin.com/
Jan 04, 202552:48

Chinese Podcast Ep129: How to Learn Chinese with C-Drama? 怎样通过电视剧学习中文?
Chinese dramas (C-Dramas) are not just entertaining—they're also a powerful tool for learning Chinese! Plus, we’ll introduce you to Teacher PeiPei's New Course: Teaching Chinese with C-Drama. This course is specifically designed to turn your binge-watching into an effective learning experience!
📺Get a Free Copy of Dashu Ebook:
== Get to know our two guests 了解我们今天的两位嘉宾老师 :
Learn Chinese with C-Drama with Chinese teacher Peipei and Jin
Discount code: cdramapeipei
You can use the coupon "cdramapeipei" to get an additional 10% off on top of the 30% discount! This special offer lasts only until Dec. 31st!
Chinese TV series Course includes:
-90 scenes/conversations of daily life/common scenarios from highly
rated C-dramas
-90 transcripts with Pinyin
-800+ useful daily expressions and sentence structures with detailed
-1000+ commonly used vocabulary and example sentences
-Engaging exercises for each lesson
-Exclusive WhatsApp community to ask questions, practice, and discuss
drama plots!
Suitable for learners:
-at HSK3-HSK5 level(high beginner to intermediate level)
-want to learn practical and authentic Chinese
-want to improve the pronounciation and fluency
-hope to understand and communicate with native speakers better
Dec 27, 202447:25

Chinese Podcast Ep128: Are We Typical Chinese?我们是典型的中国人吗?
In this episode of Chinese podcast, we've talked about what are the typical Chinese and are we typical Chinese?
Book a Lesson with Dashu Mandarin (Uncle Richard and Uncle Can):
[大叔小店] http://dashumandarin.com
https://dashumandarin.com/discount/7VV7DA70DN2J (10% coupon)
Dec 20, 202445:09

Chinese Podcast EP 127: Chinese Gift Giving Culture 中国人是怎么送礼的?
In this episode, we three uncles have discussed how do the Chinese give gift and the gift giving culture in China.
Dec 16, 202438:36

Chinese Podcast EP126: What do the Chinese Men Think of Romantic? 中国男人是如何看待“浪漫”的?
In this episode, we three uncles have share our opinion of Romantic in Relationship.
It's also a perfect material to learn Chinese as well as practice Chinese listening.
Dec 08, 202438:11

Chinese Podcast EP125: Chinese girlfriend / Chinese boyfriend = Learn Chinese Faster? 有中国伴侣就能学会中文吗?
In this episode, we’re joined by William, whose Chinese has reached a
near-native level, and his Chinese girlfriend Xiaoyun. Together, we dive
into the question: Does having a Chinese girlfriend really help you
learn Chinese better? They also share their heartwarming love story and
some funny moments from their life together.
欢迎跟何威一起学中文 https://www.youtube.com/@UC7LmgMa8XhIusF7RI7YI_KQ
Will's YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@UC7LmgMa8XhIusF7RI7YI_KQ
Learn Chinese with Will
Nov 30, 202401:00:17

Chinese Podcast EP124: The Best and Worst Teachers We've Ever Had 大叔们遇到过最好和最不好的老师
In this podcast episode, we three uncles talk about the best and worst teachers we've ever encountered in our lives.
Buy ebook&audiobook written and narrated by Uncles from: https://dashumandarin.com/
Nov 22, 202448:25

Chinese Podcast EP123: Which Dashu Understands Woman Better? 哪个大叔更了解女人?
Welcome, everyone! In this episode, we’re diving into a question we all
ponder: do the Dashu really understand women? (哪个大叔更懂女人) Today, we'll
share some of our personal stories and experiences to see if we truly
'get' the female perspective. We’ll also explore the current Chinese
buzzword 'dad vibe' (爹味) — that tendency some people have to give
lectures and overhype their own life experiences. Stick around and see
if we’re guilty of a little ‘dad vibe’ ourselves, and we hope you enjoy
today’s show!
Nov 16, 202434:25

Chinese Podcast EP122: The Extreme Work Culture in China 中国人工作的“内卷”
In this episode, we dive into the topic of workplace competition in
China, known as 'involution,' and compare it with work environments
abroad. We also discuss strategies for coping with the pressures of
involution. This video serves as excellent language material for
learning Chinese, especially for intermediate to advanced learners
looking to improve their listening skills and understanding of modern
Chinese culture. Don't miss this engaging discussion to enhance your
language learning journey!
Buy ebook&audiobook written and narrated by Uncles
Nov 12, 202434:25

Chinese Podcast EP121:We Humans Have Become Pets to Our Cell Phones 我们人类已经变成手机的“宠物”了
In this Chinese Podcast, we have talked about the possibility that we humans have become the pets to our cell phones.
Nov 01, 202428:34

Chinese Podcast EP120: Chinese Study Advice From World Champion of Chinese Bridge 汉语桥世界冠军的建议
n this episode, we interview Benjamin from Belgium, the champion of the
Chinese Bridge competition. Benjamin shares his journey to victory,
providing fascinating details about the competition and offering
valuable tips for Chinese learners. He discusses his strategies for
mastering Chinese, including effective study methods that can inspire
anyone learning the language. Whether you're preparing for a language
competition or just looking to improve your Chinese skills, this episode
is packed with practical advice and insights. Don't miss it!
Oct 25, 202439:35

Chinese Podcast EP119: So, You Think Chinese Men Don't Like Shopping Online? 中国男人真的不喜欢网上购物吗?
In this episode of our Chinese podcast, we continue our fun blind box
discussion! We’ll explore topics like: do Chinese men like shopping
online? And at what age do we envision ourselves passing away? Through
these light-hearted and engaging topics, we’ll not only share personal
opinions but also help you improve your Chinese listening and speaking
Join us for a taste of natural and authentic Chinese conversation, boost
your Chinese proficiency, and enjoy the fun of learning Chinese!
Oct 17, 202445:39

Chinese Podcast EP118: Dashu's 16 personalities test result 十六型人格测试
In this episode, we invited Ben's good friend GG to conduct an MBTI
personality test for the three uncles. Are you curious about what
personality types each uncle belongs to? Tune in to hear their test
results and engage in some fun discussions! Whether you're interested in
the MBTI test or want to learn more about the uncles' 16 personalities,
this episode is a must-listen!
If you're learning Chinese or looking for a fun way to boost your
Chinese skills through podcasts, Dashu Mandarin Podcast is a great
option. Each episode covers a different topic, helping you improve your
Chinese listening and speaking abilities in real-life contexts.
Want to learn Chinese with the Uncles? Visit Dashu Mandarin Store:
https://dashumandarin.com/ and Dashu Patreon Shop:
Explore our range of products: Chinese Learning Video Course, Chinese
audiobooks, mugs, and other selected items. Whether you're a beginner or
looking to advance your Chinese, you'll find the right resources to
support your journey.
Oct 10, 202453:50

Chinese Podcast EP117: Ben is making a big change in life ! Ben叔的人生抉择!
In this episode, the three uncles—Uncle Richard, Uncle Ben, and Uncle
Can—reunite after a long time apart to catch up on our recent lives. We
talk about changes in our personal lives, family health, and share some
personal reflections. There are so many life change moments, right now
Ben is making a big change in life! Is Ben giving up his 14 years
Chinese teaching journey?!
If you're learning Chinese or looking for a fun way to boost your
Chinese skills through podcasts, Dashu Mandarin Podcast is a great
option. Each episode covers a different topic, helping you improve your
Chinese listening and speaking abilities in real-life contexts.
Want to learn Chinese with the Uncles? Visit Dashu Mandarin Store:
https://dashumandarin.com/ and Dashu Patreon Shop:
Explore our range of products: Chinese Learning Video Course, Chinese
audiobooks, mugs, and other selected items. Whether you're a beginner or
looking to advance your Chinese, you'll find the right resources to
support your journey.
Oct 03, 202447:53

Chinese Podcast EP116: Are Chinese Children Really not Happy? 中国孩子过得真的不开心吗?
In this episode of the podcast, the uncles continue drawing blind box
questions for discussion. Starting with topics like gaming, we explore
the pressures faced by Chinese children and delve into deeper
psychological issues. But are Chinese children really unhappy? We also
ask each other: if you could change one aspect of your appearance or
personality, what would it be?
If you're learning Chinese or looking for a fun way to boost your
Chinese skills through podcasts, Dashu Mandarin Podcast is a great
option. Each episode covers a different topic, helping you improve your
Chinese listening and speaking abilities in real-life contexts.
Want to learn Chinese with the Uncles? Visit Dashu Mandarin Store:
https://dashumandarin.com/ and Dashu Patreon Shop:
Explore our range of products: Chinese Learning Video Course, Chinese
audiobooks, mugs, and other selected items. Whether you're a beginner or
looking to advance your Chinese, you'll find the right resources to
support your journey. Join us now and start your Chinese learning
Sep 25, 202449:39

Chinese Podcast EP115: What do You Consider Cheating? 什么才算是出轨?
In this episode of our Chinese podcast, we dive into two intriguing topics: What counts as cheating in a relationship? What would you tell your younger self if you had the chance? And finally, we continue with our blind box theme, where each Uncle brings up a surprise question for the others to answer. Tune in for thought-provoking discussions, and take this opportunity to improve your Chinese listening skills and boost
your language level! Perfect for intermediate Chinese learners.
If you're learning Chinese or looking for a fun way to boost your Chinese skills through podcasts, Dashu Mandarin Podcast is a great option. Each episode covers a different topic, helping you improve your Chinese listening and speaking abilities in real-life contexts.
Want to learn Chinese with the Uncles? Visit Dashu Mandarin Store:
Explore our range of products: Chinese learning books, audiobooks, mugs,and other selected items. Whether you're a beginner or looking to advance your Chinese, you'll find the right resources to support your journey. Join us now and start your Chinese learning journey!
Sep 19, 202445:53

Chinese Podcast EP114: What Scares You the Most? 你最害怕什么?
In this episode of our Chinese podcast, we continue with our blind box
theme, where each Uncle prepares three questions, and the other two
answer them. The theme of this episode is "What scares you the most?" We
also discuss, "If you could have an expert give you guidance 24/7, what
kind of expert would you choose?" and "Would you want to get a tattoo?"
This episode is packed with thought-provoking discussions and fun
surprises, making it a great opportunity to practice your Chinese
listening skills and improve your Chinese language level.
If you're learning Chinese or looking for a fun way to boost your
Chinese skills through podcasts, Dashu Mandarin Podcast is a great
option. Each episode covers a different topic, helping you improve your
Chinese listening and speaking abilities in real-life contexts.
Want to learn Chinese with the Uncles? Visit Dashu Mandarin Store:
Explore our range of products: Chinese learning books, audiobooks, mugs,
and other selected items. Whether you're a beginner or looking to
advance your Chinese, you'll find the right resources to support your
journey. Join us now and start your Chinese learning journey!
Sep 12, 202444:11

Chinese Podcast EP113: From Zero to Intermediate Chine Only with Dashu Mandarin?! 只听大叔中文中文从零到中级!
In this video, we share how a student used Dashu Mandarin podcast to advance from a complete beginner to an intermediate level in Chinese.
We’ll also discuss another student’s story that made the Uncles feel sad and reveal the snacks the Uncles love. As a blind box question podcast, the three of us randomly ask each other questions, providing an engaging and authentic discussion experience.
Want to learn Chinese with the Uncles? Visit Dashu Mandarin Store:
to explore our range of products: books, audiobooks, mugs, and other
selected items. Join us now and start your Chinese learning journey!
Sep 05, 202441:01

Chinese Podcast EP112: The Chinese Story That Changed Your Life 改变你人生的中文故事
In this episode of Dashu Mandarin, we explore "The Chinese Story That
Changed Your Life" and discuss the profound impact of certain stories on
our lives. We also introduce our specially written Chinese storybook
(Chinese Stories for Intermediate Learners: The Talking Cat: Dashu
Mandarin Chinese Reader Volume I ) designed for learners. Join us as we
reflect on our childhood experiences, the concept of retaining childlike
wonder, and how these early years shape who we become. Whether you're
learning Chinese or interested in personal growth, this episode blends
storytelling with deep, nostalgic insights.
Dashu Mandarin Chinese Stories for Intermediate Learners (PDF+Free
Dashu Mandarin Chinese Stories for Intermediate Learners (Paperback+Free
Aug 28, 202444:18

Chinese Podcast EP111: Chinese Uncles Turn into Chinese Aunties 大叔们变成大妈会怎样?
Welcome to dashu mandarin store: dashumandarin.com
Today, we’re letting our imaginations run wild! The three uncle-hosts
asked a hilariously intriguing question: What if Chinese Uncles Turned
into Chinese Aunties? In this episode, they dive into a fun and creative
discussion, imagining how their lives would change if they suddenly
became Chinese Aunties. Curious about their answers? Tune in for some
laughs and entertaining insights!
Aug 21, 202446:43

Chinese Podcast EP110: Do you have middle age crisis?丨中国人的中年危机
Have you ever experienced a midlife crisis? How do you deal with it when life hits a turning point? In this episode of our Chinese podcast, the three uncle-hosts openly share their stories and reflections on facing a midlife crisis. Learn fluent Chinese with Dashu Mandarin Chinese podcast!
Aug 14, 202450:05

Chinese Podcast EP109: What if You Lived a Different Life丨平行空间的第二人生
What if You Lived a Different Life? What would you be like in a parallel
平行空间的另一个你是怎样的?三位大叔将带你进入一个充满想象力和趣味的讨论 —
Dashu—if they weren't Chinese teachers, what careers would they choose,
and what kind of lives would they lead? This is an opportunity to gain
deeper insights into the inner worlds of our uncles. Perhaps you'll
start wondering what your parallel universe self would be like too.
Aug 07, 202446:20

Chinese Podcast Ep108: What is your most awkward moment?丨你最尴尬的时刻是什么?丨
What is your most awkward moment? Today's Chinese Podcast we will play
盲盒问题, of which we will throw questions to each other randomly. Let's
learn Chinese together through conversation in mandarin!
Aug 01, 202442:31

Chinese Podcast EP107: Chinese boys are horrible丨可怕又糟糕的中国男人丨
These Chinese men are horrible! 妈宝男,渣男,凤凰男,家暴男,普信男,大男子主义,擦边男... In
today's podcast, we will have a fun conversation in Chinese with all the
popular Chinese Internet Slangs related to Chinese men. We will explain
each type of Chinese boys and share our thought about them.
Jul 24, 202442:40

Chinese Podcast EP106:Chinese Girl Lifestyle丨Chinese Gen Z living abroad 中国的零零后女生出乎你的想象
In today's chinese podcast, we welcome a young Chinese girl in her early
twenties, Jieyu, who will share her unique experience of living abroad
for the first time. This episode invites you into the world of Chinese
Gen Z girls. Their lifestyle and thoughts might surprise you. Join us to
hear Jieyu's amazing stories and feel her courage and adventurous
Jul 18, 202451:41

Chinese Podcast EP105: Learn Chinese with StoryTelling丨Comprehensible input chinese丨Good chinese teacher丨
Welcome two exceptional Chinese teachers: Suqing laoshi from channel of
Comprehensible Chinese, and Keren laoshi from channel of Unconventional
Chinese with Keren. Both teachers specialize in using the Comprehensible
Input teaching method for Chinese language instruction. In this
episode, we will discuss how to learn Chinese through storytelling. Join
us to discover how these amazing teachers make Chinese learning both
fun and effective!
今天我们非常荣幸地请到了两位杰出的中文老师——来自 Unconventional Chinese with Keren 频道的 可人老师,以及
Comprehensible Chinese 频道的素清老师。两位老师都擅长使用可理解输入(Comprehensible
Jul 11, 202448:21

Chinese Podcast EP104: How to study in China in 2025? 2025年如何去中国留学?
Planning to study in China in 2025? How to Study in China? Then it's
time to start preparing now. We attended a study abroad fair and
gathered the latest information about studying in China, whether it's
for undergraduate programs, master's degrees, or language courses. Tune
in to find out what study materials you need and learn about the new
policies for studying in China. This episode will provide you with
detailed information and practical advice to help you better plan your
future study journey.
2025, be a foreign student in China, 留学中国! get to know the best
universities in china for foreign students and language programs in
Jul 06, 202444:55

Chinese Podcast EP103: How do Chinese Think of the Netherlands 中国人对荷兰的刻板印象
What do Chinese think of the Neitherlands? Today we have a dutch guest
to share his opinions about Holland. Hope this Chinese podcast serve as a
great Chinese listening material for improve Chinese listening and
Chinese speaking.
Jun 29, 202440:16

Chinese Podcast EP102: Fun Facts about Chinese Culture and Chinese language 中国文化和汉语的有趣现象
Curious about what makes Chinese culture so unique and the language so
captivating? In this video, we uncover some surprising and lesser-known
facts that will leave you amazed. What hidden gems lie within the
traditions and linguistic nuances of China? Join us to find out and
prepare to have your perceptions challenged in delightful ways!
#chineseculture #chineselanguage #china #chinese
Jun 20, 202434:58

Chinese Podcast EP101: Can You Learn Chinese Better in China? 在中国就一定能学好中文吗?
His experience in China has two completely different phases: starting with zero Chinese language skills for the first few years, then becoming fluent in Chinese and able to communicate with locals. How did he achieve this transformation? Today, we have a special guest on our show, a Mexican guy named 乐文, who has been living in China for over 10 years. Let's listen to his stories of China and his journey of learning Chinese together!
Jun 12, 202446:52

Chinese Podcast EP100: 100th Episode Q&A 大叔中文第100期!
Unbelievably, our Chinese podcast has reached its 100th episode! In
today's special episode, we will be hosting a Q&A session to address
questions collected from our listeners. We want to express our deepest
gratitude to each of our over 16,000 followers. Your support and
companionship have fueled our passion to create more Chinese learning
content at Dashu Mandarin. Let's celebrate this milestone together and
cherish the emotional connection and growth we've experienced along the
Jun 05, 202439:21

Chinese Podcast EP99: Chinese Input VS Output, Which is More Important? 输入输出哪个更重要?
Which is more important, Chinese input or output? We will explore a
learning model: 80% Chinese input and 20% output. Today, we have invited
Tebby, a passionate Chinese learner, and also the designer behind our
background music. And what types of Chinese input and output are
crucial for Chinese learners? Let's listen to Tebby's insights and
experiences together!
May 29, 202434:41

Chinese podcast EP98: Can you understand mandarin with beijing accent? 北京口音
Finally, a Beijinger guest is here! Can you understand Mandarin with a
Beijing accent? Mandarin accent is fun, our guest will join us to
explore the changes in Beijing, discuss the unique charm of Beijing
dialect, and share his experiences living abroad. Beijing dialect, as a
branch of Chinese dialects, is known for its rich and colorful
expressions and unique phonetic features, presenting both intrigue and
challenge. Join us as we delve into the charm of Beijing dialect!
May 23, 202435:47

Chinese Podcast 97: 6 Places to Travel in Mainland China and Taiwan | 6个旅行目的地 | places to visit 2024
Today's podcast episode is all about the 6 interesting destinations in
mainland China and Taiwan! Each dashu will recommend two destinations
they believe are worth visiting. These destinations could be popular
tourist spots or hidden gems off the beaten path! Through our
conversation, you'll not only get travel inspiration but also learn a
wealth of Chinese vocabulary related to traveling. Join us as we embark
on this journey to explore the joys of travel! Check out these 6 Places
to Travel in Mainland China and Taiwan
May 16, 202438:41

Chinese Podcast EP96: Indonesian Guy Speaks Chinese Better Than Most Chinese 印尼小伙的中文简直太完美了
In today's mandarin podcast, we are honored to have a special guest - an
Indonesian guy who speaks Chinese better than most Chinese! And joining
us is our dear friend, the lovely chinese teacher Peipei. This
Indonesian gentleman, who once studied performing arts at a university
in China, is now an entrepreneur managing several business projects
between China and Indonesia. This includes a Chinese language education
project in collaboration with Peipei - Real Talk Mandarin. Their vision
is to serve as cultural bridges between the two nations, fostering
better understanding and promoting friendly exchanges between their
Talk Mandarin的珮珮老师合作的汉语教育项目。他们的愿景是成为两国之间的文化桥梁,让两国人民更好地了解彼此,促进两国之间的友好交流。
May 08, 202439:12

Chinese Podcast EP95: This Chinese Teacher Deserves an Oscar 角色扮演语境教学法
We've got a special guest again — Dolores! She's a teacher who excels in
role-playing contextual teaching methods, creating courses filled with engaging videos that make learning Chinese a lot more fun. Her course designs are not only creative but also help learners master the most
authentic Chinese expressions in real-life contexts. Today,let's dive into the stories behind her creative process!
May 05, 202434:03

Chinese Podcast EP94: Will you quit job and travel the world? 你会辞去工作去环游世界吗?
Will you quit job and travel the world? 你会辞去工作去环游世界吗?
Today, we've got a super cool Chinese teacher with stories! Not only is
he a mandarin teacher, but also a true world traveler with a wealth of
stories and unique life experiences. He always carries this enviable
relaxed vibe and sometimes even throws in some unexpectedly cool moves.
His stories will not only broaden your horizons, but also give you a
whole new perspective on life! So, let's dive in and hear what he's got
to share! Chinese Podcast
Apr 28, 202443:42

Chinese Podcast EP93: How to Stay Motivated to Study Chinese 学习中文如何保持动力
Today, we are fortunate to have Keren from Unconventional Chinese join
us to discuss "How to Stay Motivated to Study Chinese." With her
expertise in comprehensible input methods, Keren brings a wealth of
experience in teaching Chinese. She will share with us the intrinsic
motivation and sources behind learning Chinese. Whether you're a
beginner or have some prior knowledge, there's something valuable to
learn from Keren's insights. We hope this conversation will inspire and
motivate you on your journey to learning Chinese.
Apr 17, 202443:07

Chinese Podcast EP92: Chinese Influencer Teachers Behind the Scene | 你不知道的中文老师的趣事
We have two outstanding Chinese influencer teachers, Peipei and Roots,
in today's Chinese podcast. Peipei, a hardworking Chinese teacher, has
risen from being a chinese teacher to becoming a team leader. On the
other hand, Roots is not only an excellent Chinese teacher but also a
funny content creator for Chinese learning. Together, Peipei and Roots
have collaborated on many entertaining mandarin projects on Instagram.
Today, we will delve into the behind-the-scenes stories of Chinese
influencer teachers and discuss the importance of learning real Chinese
and authentic Chinese. We will also explore Peipei's Real Talk Mandarin
products and services.
Talk Mandarin产品和服务。
Apr 14, 202433:28