Monstrous meat-eaters, humble herbivores and stealthy scavengers meet in the Dino Dome for the greatest race of all time. But there’s a catch: the landscape is never the same! From deserts and volcanoes to the deep sea and suburban streets… anything goes in the Dino Dome! Cheer on your favourite prehistoric predators while learning about their strengths, weaknesses and quirks in an action-packed Mesozoic mash-up of science fact and fiction.
Each season of Dino Dome is 10 episodes, released weekly on a Thursday.
Dino Dome is an ABC Kids listen podcast.
- Hosts: Amanda Shalala, Tim Richards
- Announcer: Sebastian Hogg, Balbay Boyd
- Fact checking: Tim ‘Factosaurus’ Richards
- Written & Produced by: Samantha Turnbull, Soumia Bella
- Sound design by: Que Nguyen, Soumia Bella, Samantha Turnbull
- Original music by: Vincent Goodyer
- Artwork and animation by: Stephen Elliget
- Executive Producer: Emma Gibbs
Monstrous meat-eaters, humble herbivores and stealthy scavengers meet in the Dino Dome for the greatest race of all time. But there’s a catch: the landscape is never the same! From deserts and volcanoes to the deep sea and suburban streets… anything goes in the Dino Dome! Cheer on your favourite prehistoric predators while learning about their strengths, weaknesses and quirks in an action-packed Mesozoic mash-up of science fact and fiction.