Power in the City

05 - From 9 to 5? - Part 2

Published: 23 February 2023 at 02:03 UTC

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Episode notes

This episode is about the grind, the toil, the sweat, the slog, the graft, the duty - and things like skills and craft, commitment and creativity. Yes, it’s about work! The green kind. It’s about working in the energy transition. What exactly is a green job? How do I get myself one of those? What motivates folks who have one? And is it the same as a good job? Join us as we talk to people that hold green jobs and those that create the conditions for more of us to have one. 


There are two parts to this episode - this is Part 2.

Go to our website for the full transcript, more info and additional resources.

Episode credits Power in the City is produced by Carbon Coop. This episode was written and produced by Britt Jurgensen. Host: Alex King; Local research & interviews: Melissa Kelly Shore; Sound design & postproduction: Barry Han

Interviews with: Adam Buckley-Mayes, Trailar, Andrew Hunt, Oldham Council, Antonia Jennings, CLES

Power in the City is funded by the Electricity North West Powering our Communities Fund, ICLEI Action Fund and UCL Grand Challenges.