
118. The Editorial Meeting

Published: 17 January 2025 at 02:10 UTC

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Episode notes

The Editorial Meeting is a bonus podcast for top-tier Patreons of NonCensored (, who get to hear Rosie (Harriet), Brendan (Producer Martin), Eshaan (Eshaan) and Real Producer Ed discuss the week's show - specifically, what stories should go into Eshaan's segment, what we've talked about, and what we've not talked about.

We've been less indiscreet than usual so that we can put this out on the regular podcast feed, allowing those of you who aren't Patreons can hear what you're missing; it's usually a lot less guarded. (The version of this on Patreon is about three minutes longer, because even when we were trying to keep it safe we still said some stuff that's best kept behind closed doors. Not everything is for everyone, and that's fine!)

All paid subscribers get a monthly bonus "Time For Questions" podcast, where Harriet, Martin and Eshaan answer your questions, and you can even sign up to the Patreon for free and there's occasional stuff like Rosie' videos up there.

Thanks to all our Patreons for supporting the show, and Happy New Year.

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