SBS Nepali - एसबीएस नेपाली पोडकाष्ट

Why does obesity increase the risk of diabetes? - मोटो शरीरमा डाएबेटिजको खतरा किन ‌बढि हुन्छ?

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Other states, including New South Wales and Victoria, which are now the most populous states in Australia due to the corona epidemic, have various restrictions that could cause various health problems, experts say.

It is also said that the risk of diabetes is increasing as more eating and less exercise is affecting physical fitness. But how?

We asked Melbourne-based GP Chandra Deepak Pokhrel.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Types of diabetes,
  • Prevention and control measures,
  • Things Nepalis living in Australia should pay attention to.

कोरोना महामारीका कारण अहिले अस्ट्रेलियामा सबैभन्दा बढी मानिसहरू बसोबास गर्ने न्यु साउथ वेल्स र भिक्टोरिया लगायतका अन्य राज्यहरूमा विभिन्न खाले प्रतिबन्धहरू छन् जस कारण मानिसहरूको स्वास्थ्यमा विभिन्न समस्याहरू आउन सक्ने विज्ञहरूको धारणा छ।