
Ep 220: Former Football Coach Reveals 4-Year Trading Game Plan

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Ready to make a trading game plan of your own? Using lessons learned from coaching football and playing poker, today’s guest Clutch has traded his way over the PDT. Listen and get inspired! 

In today’s episode, SteadyTrade co-hosts Kim Ann Curtin and Stephen Johnson have an extra-special guest: an up-and-coming trader who goes by Clutch.

Clutch has done what many traders dream of but few have achieved. He started with a small account and traded his way over the PDT.*

In case you’re not familiar with the term, “PDT” refers to the pattern day trader rule. It’s a rule that limits traders with accounts of $25,000 or less to just three day trades within a rolling five-day period. 

The rule is in place to help protect newbie traders from themselves. However, many traders find the PDT rule limiting and can’t wait to outgrow its restrictions. 

How’d Clutch do it?*

Tim Bohen

Twitter: @tbohen

Instagram: @tbohen

Stephen Johnson

Twitter: @Jonk87

Instagram: @stephenjonk87

Kim Ann Curtin

Twitter: @kimanncurtin

Instagram: @kimanncurtin