Cold War Conversations

The building of the Berlin Wall (263)

The building of the Berlin Wall (263)

Cold War Conversations

Published: 26 November 2022 at 00:00 UTC

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Episode notes

From the moment East Germany was formed in 1949, many of its citizens chose to leave to start a new life in the West. By the mid-1950s, the trickle had turned into a flood as large numbers rejected Walter Ulbricht’s Communist paradise. His ‘Workers’ & Peasants’ State’ could not afford to lose the skills and productivity of these key workers, so he proposed a radical solution - to physically fence in the whole population. 

I speak with Andrew Long, the author of a series of books about Cold War Berlin as we explore the background and build-up to the building of the Berlin Wall, from the closing of the Inner German border to the momentous events of August 1961.

We examine in detail how Operation Rose, the operation to close the border between East and West Berlin, was planned and executed and look at how the West reacted.

0:00 Introduction

1:04 Formation and Exodus of East Germany

7:51 Dissent and Exodus in East Germany

15:39 The Unique Situation in Berlin and the Establishment of Air Corridors

18:11 Khrushchev's Ultimatum and the Role of Nuclear Deterrence

24:16 Arrival of JFK and the Renewed Ultimatum

33:27 Operation Rose and the Planning for the Berlin Wall

47:08 Situation at Checkpoint Charlie and Allies' Response

56:43 Propaganda and Defection Post-Border Closure

1:07:30 Rules of Engagement and Fortification of the Berlin Wall

1:11:23 Acknowledgement of Financial Supporters and Donation Call to Action

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