Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores
Disney Discussions Zero: Disney's Unorthodox Feminist Icons W/ Natalie Hitchen
Episode notes
Who knew Natalie & I had so much to say about Disney #Feminism? In this absolutely mammoth-sized podcast, we ask "Are #Disney’s female antagonists a better representation of the feminist ideal than their protagonists?" Join us as we go on every social, political, economical tangent known to womankind and discuss horny #Wigan Grandmothers, #Maleficent being a #GirlBoss & me losing of my virginity... #PrepareForPrattle Find Natalie on her #Instagram https://www.instagram.com/n4t41ie87/?hl=en Also check out these books that Natalie mentioned below... https://www.amazon.co.uk/Invisible-Women-Exposing-World-Designed/dp/1784706280/ https://www.amazon.co.uk/Disney-Twisted-Tales-Collection-Books/dp/0678453292/ And her first podcast on our Top 5 Movie Dogs https://pod.fo/e/bc423 You should do yourself a favour check out her other half's #YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/Knowlsy1878 Check out the sequel to this #DisneyDiscussion over on #GenuineChit-Chat W/ Mike Burton, Ria Carrogan & Megan Gritti https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uB5i3oCC4yA Please check out Ria & Tony's #FemmeOnFilm & #IndieComicsSpotlight podcasts on the #ComicsInMotion feed... https://podfollow.com/comicsinmotion Where to find the Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores Podcast… Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/secretbores Twitter: https://twitter.com/dan_bores?lang=en Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spiderdansecretbores/?hl=en Discord: https://discord.com/invite/CeVrdqdpjk Like, share, comment, subscribe etc. and don’t forget to use the #PrepareForPrattle when you interact with us. I’d like to thank my patrons on #Patreon for their continuing donations it is very much appreciated and helps PrattleWorld keep turning and if you ever find yourself in a position to help the podcast please consider it. https://www.patreon.com/spiderdanandthesecretbores If you would like to make a one off donation head over to https://ko-fi.com/spiderdanandthesecretbores If you want to #JoinThePrattalion and to be briefed in full on the #SecretBores head over to #PrattleWorld https://www.spiderdanandthesecretbores.com/