Nudge - Marketing Science Simplified
By Phill Agnew
Ever noticed how the smallest changes can have the biggest impact? On Nudge, you'll learn simple evidence-backed tips to help you kick bad habits, get a raise, and grow a business. Every bite-sized 20-minute show comes packed with practical advice from admired entrepreneurs and behavioural scientists. Nudge is fast-paced but still insightful with real-world examples that you can apply - this is not your average business podcast.
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The best of Nudge in 2024
Every trick Steve Jobs used to persuade in 68 minutes
I changed one sentence and got 20% more views
This Harvard prof made my emails 3.5x better
17½ persuasion tactics in 28 minutes
I watched 300 TV ads: Here’s how they nudge you
The Psychology Behind a Perfect (SaaS) Website
Can I create a viral YouTube video?
I shrunk Britain’s #1 bread. Did anyone notice?
Can I persuade 20 strangers to listen to Nudge?