Biceps & Banter

The difference between body confidence and body positivity with Michelle Elman

The difference between body confidence and body positivity with Michelle Elman

Biceps & Banter

Published: 28 May 2019 at 06:14 UTC

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Episode notes

We're living in a time where traditional language around beauty and body image is constantly evolving. This week's conversation helps us to understand the difference between body confidence and body positivity and its impact on the relationship we have with ourselves. #ScarredNotScared campaigner, five-board accredited Body Confidence Coach and award-winning body positive activist Michelle Elman shares how it took a life or death situation to teach her that exercise doesn’t have to be about weight loss. Together Laura and Michelle talk about rediscovering the playful side of movement, something we forget in this Instagram age, as well as how to change the negative thought processes as part of a journey towards self acceptance.