DIE-ALOGUE: a true crime conversation

Bruce Maitland | Private Investigations For the Missing, Brianna Maitland's Father

Bruce Maitland | Private Investigations For the Missing, Brianna Maitland's Father

DIE-ALOGUE: a true crime conversation

Published: 2 December 2020 at 05:00 UTC

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Episode notes

I am joined by Bruce Maitland who has not seen his daughter, Brianna, since she went missing on March 19, 2004. ( age 17 at the time of her disappearance) Bruce shares parts of his journey and how he was able to think outside himself and start the non-profit, Private Investigations for the Missing. PI For the Missing seeks to, at no cost, provide families with a missing loved one, qualified, expert investigators to work on and hopefully locate or bring some form of closure for them. They are tireless advocates who "never stop searching. I was incredibly moved by my conversation with Bruce, and after that, I became incredibly motivated to help.
Please take a moment to learn more about PIFTM and the work they do:
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For a deep dive on Brianna's case and more of the key players involved, check out Missing Maura Murray + the Crawlspace podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/al/podcast/missing-brianna-maitland-update-1-of-2/id1006974447?i=1000454716755
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DIE-ALOGUE: a true crime conversation, is a weekly true crime podcast, hosted by
Rebekah Sebastian. Edited by Jason Usry. Original Music by Olivia Himes.https://soundcloud.com/olivia-himes
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