Life Uncut

Ask Uncut - A Drunk Hen, Who Is Your Grandma and Holidaying with Exes

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Hey Lifers

Welcome back to ask uncut where we answer your deep, dark and burning questions!

There is a lot of weird news in the world today... mostly the guy who chose to put 15 hard boiled eggs in his backside. Britt's partner Ben has had a hair makeover.
Did you 'plan' your hair look for your wedding in terms of colour/length etc? Did you opt for something that was your 'look' rather than going for a short term hair change?

Vibes for the week:

Keeshia: Sweet Bobby on Netflix
Britt: Instax camera
Laura: Fallen Angel Podcast

Then we jump into your questions!

We just wrapped up a hen's night where the hen KO'd herself pretty early, before the festivities were finished - the MOH got her home safely (talking 7.30) and the rest of the party headed home. We'd already organised some entertainment, so instead of going out to where it'd been organised for, we made the call to stay in the hotel room and keep an eye on the hen, and enjoyed the entertainment (just the two of us). The groom found out and blew up - said we put the hen in danger, that it was unforgivable, and he doesn't want anything to do with either of us. Major drama! My question - Did we do the wrong thing? Is his blow up and subsequent major drama valid? Or were we fine to have a little fun while we still took care of our friend? It's created so much drama a week out from the wedding, is all the hatred warranted, or is he just being a complete dick?

I have a new baby who is now 3 months old, and when I was pregnant my dad’s partner asked to be called Grandma which at the time I felt a bit put on the spot and was like ‘sure’. After thinking about it and chatting with my partner I am not sure how comfortable I am with her being “Grandma”. For context she has been with my dad since I was 18 which I think is relevant because I have never lived with her and she has had no hand in raising me and to be honest we have never had a great relationship. I feel like my mum and my partner's mum have done the hard yards to earn that title which she has not. I also don’t want to confuse my child for example if she is asking on Mother’s Day why “Grandma” doesn’t get a card or present and having to explain she is not actually her Grandma. So basically throughout the end of my pregnancy and having a new baby I never ended up having the convo and tbh I am a bit conflict avoidant. Over the weekend her and my dad met my partner’s parents who are visiting from Spain and she introduced herself as Grandma. So my question is… is it too late for me to have that conversation? I really don’t want her to be called Grandma or anything like that but have I let it go too long? Or how would you go about having the convo? Should I speak with my dad as he knows her better than me and would know the best way to address it? 

My partner of 3 years has been invited on a family overseas holiday by his ex-wife and their 2 young kids. The ex-wife is paying for his expenses as one of the kids really wants Dad to be there. The ex wife’s new partner is also joining them. This has left me feeling really uncomfortable and ultimately left out. Is it fair to ask my partner to not go because of how I feel or should I tell him he should go despite it making me feel uncomfortable and anxious.

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