Arbel Ministries Podcast
By Arbel Ministries
Join us as we walk through the Bible together in its original context. We exist to equip disciple makers by experiencing the character, Word, and mission of God.
Latest episode
Numbers: Introduction to the Book of Numbers
In this episode, Mark Whitehead walks us through the context and setting leading up to the Old Testament book of Numbers. Setting the stage for the rest of the series into Numbers. -
Numbers: Chapter 1 | High Priestly Role
In this episode, Mark Whitehead breaks down Numbers 1 and offers insights into how this beginning chapter should influence our lives today! What is the context of a census in an ancient middle-eastern mind? What is the problem with the numbers list… -
Numbers: Chapter 2 | My Standard and My Banner
In this episode, Mark Whitehead examines the importance of community. For Israel to survive the forty-year desert trip to the Promised Land, they would need to learn to depend on each other. The same is true for our spiritual walk today. We must l… -
Numbers: Chapter 3 | Young and Useful
In this episode, Mark Whitehead looks at Numbers 3. At what age does God view us as useful for His Kingdom? Join us as we continue to look at the richness of God's Word together.Numbers 3 | Episode Notes -
Numbers: Chapter 4 | Prime Of Life
In this episode, Mark Whitehead examines the "prime of life." What would you consider the prime of life? Is it the same as what God considers it? Also, what is our role after this age? Join us as we discuss this and much more.Numbers 4 | Episode Note… -
Numbers: Chapter 5 | Cleaning For Company
In this episode, Mark Whitehead looks at what it means to be clean before the Lord. If He is going to dwelling our midst, He wants us to be holy. What does that look like? -
Numbers: Chapter 6 | Making A Nazarite Vow
In this episode, we take a look at what it means to take a vow. Looking both at Biblical and modern-day examples of vows. Join us as we dig deeper into Numbers chapter 6! -
Numbers: Chapter 7 | Hearing God's Voice
In this episode, Mark Whitehead examines how to hear God's voice.Episode NotesExperiencing God -
Numbers: Chapter 8 | My Art Career
What is so important about the menorah and why is it important for us to understand as believers in Jesus Christ? Join me as we discuss this and so much more in this podcast!Episode Notes -
Numbers: Chapter 9 | Our Timing Matters
Obedience is an essential part of following the Lord. But the Lord wants us to obey Him on His timing rather than our own timing. Join Mark Whitehead as he discusses the importance of timely obedience.Ancient Wadi