Weaving the Wild

118. Leo Full Moon Energy (Follow the tension, Find your expansion, Unleash your full expression)

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Episode notes

This episode we're deep diving into the energy of the Leo Full Moon and all that it's stirring in our lives.

In this episode we cover:

+ How to effectively work with the Leo full moon to clear, release and expand

+ Aquarius energy - and how this Leo full moon is helping you align with its highest expression

+ Leo's shadow and highest expression

+ What Uranus stationing direct and Jupiter squaring this moon will mean

+ The three planets that are supporting and grounding your work at this time

+ A MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT you're going to want to get ready for

Plus so much more woven inside!

Be sure to tag me and share if this episode helped you feel clarity or more aligned with this moon!

Find me on Instagram @therachelhodgens


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