Weaving the Wild

116. Capricorn New Moon Energy (Sow your seeds & Set your compass)

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Episode notes

In this episode we're going old school for a chatty dive into the wisdom and energies of the Capricorn New Moon.

I'll be covering:

- The significance of beginning a 'new year' in Capricorn season

- Why this new moon is the 'real' new year portal

- Why slow & steady is the name of the game right now

- How to begin to find clarity & direction if you're feeling lost or unmotivated

- How to align with Capricorn season

- The shadow side of Capricorn you want to be clearing right now

- And how to effectively work with the energy of this new moon

Be sure to tag me and share if this episode helped you feel clarity or more aligned with this moon!

Head to the Episode Shownotes for all resources and links mentioned!



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