Weaving the Wild

125. Capricorn Blue Full Moon (it's a big one)

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Episode notes

Join me as we unpack the potent energy of the Capricorn Blue Moon, and learn how to align with its powerful illuminations, stepping over the threshold into your next chapter.

In this episode, we'll explore:

  • The significance of having two Capricorn full moons and what it means for us
  • How Cancer and Capricorn have been putting us to work over the last month (and why that’s felt so intense)
  • The clarity, depth, and integration available during this full moon
  • The importance of the 29º club, with four planets at this critical degree, and their influence on this moon
  • Saturn’s impact on this moon (and how retrogrades are adding their own flavor!)
  • How to work with and dive deeper into what this moon is illuminating for you according to your chart


This month’s masterclass is dropping soon!

DANCING WITH RETROGRADES: Embracing the Planets & Retrograde Portals for Deeper Alignment

Plus, become fully resourced to live a rich, cyclical life that’s rooted in the feminine inside the Soul Weavers Membership.

Come join here and land in a soft space to do your unfurling.

Find me on Instagram @therachehodgens