The Healthy Herb Podcast

Top Herbs to Tincture and Why (Tincture 101 part 3)

Top Herbs to Tincture and Why (Tincture 101 part 3)

The Healthy Herb Podcast

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Episode notes

This episode covers the top herbs that I make sure I tincture every year and why. Learn how to decipher which herbs work best as tinctures and which do not, plus, how to find your dose of tincture.

Past episodes to check out, to dive deeper into herbs mentioned in this episode include:

Yarrow (episode 27)

Hypericum (episode 26)

Lemon balm (episode 38)

Echinacea (episode 35)

Bitters (episode 37)

yellow dock (episode 45)

burdock (episode 44) 

dandelion (episode 4)

spring roots (episode 13)

Wild plants (episode 63)

Comfrey (episode 31)

Nettle (episode 15)

Solidago Herb School 

