My Dad Stole My Limelight

Eve Parker Finley on healing through creative outlets

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Episode notes

I am honoured that my guest on this episode is comedian and musician Eve Parker Finley (she/her). We talk about the role of her art in her coming out and her emotional well-being. A behind-the-scenes note is that I kept trying to write the show notes for this episode and instead just got distracted multiple times watching clips of Eve performing because she is PURE JOY!

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-2SLGBTQIA+ resources

In this episode:

-Eve discusses how she has used music and comedy to figure out who she wants to be!

-We hear the process and discovery behind the first song Eve ever wrote!

-Using gender as a metaphor for other things is a thing Eve loves to do in her music and writing!

-We hate the relationships we have been in where we have forgotten who we are, but the comeback from those? It is the most powerful thing!

-Eve wrote a song for her parents and played it to them as her coming out!

-It’s okay to not know. It’s okay to not have it figured out. None of us have anything figured out!

-We each share three songs from our crying playlists with each other and let me tell you, nothing feels like more of a bonding moment than that!

-Taking scary plunges towards what sets our soul on fire is brave and beautiful! Eve shared her journey and it is gorgeous!

-Growing up means growing more confident and out of our “No worries if not!” phase and we love that for us!

-SHOUTOUT therapy! Always! Our longest and strongest relationships!

Connect with my guest:

-Follow Eve on Instagram:@eveparkerfinley

-Follow Eve on TikTok: @eveparkerfinley

-Eve’s album In The End

-Eve’s latest release, her comedy song Screw You Steve

-More of Eve:

Behind the scenes:

-Podcast production and editing made possible by: Alexi Johnson and the team at @604podnetwork

-Theme Music: Shawn Kangro

-Logo Art: