15K+ Random Movie Reviews

Episode 86: Big Fish (2003)

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Random movie number 8461 on Metacritic’s all time movie list, "Big Fish" (2003) is a fantastical drama directed by Tim Burton, starring Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney, and Billy Crudup. The film weaves together tall tales and family tension as a son tries to uncover the truth behind his father's larger-than-life stories. Is there more reality in the myths than we think? Listen on and find out.

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We are Colin and Niall, two movie enthusiasts from Ireland who wanted to take a different approach to movie watching and reviewing. So we came up with the idea to randomly choose a movie from Metacritic's all time movie list (which at the time of starting our podcast was over 15,000 movies, hence the title!). We take pleasure in bad movies as well as good! We hope you enjoy our podcast and follow us on your favourite podcast platform (or Youtube).

See all our review ratings for all our movies in all our episodes in spreadsheet form!


Our list of movies reviewed on IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls526575109/

Our list of movies reviewed on Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/15krandommovier/list/15k-random-movie-reviews-1