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Owner and chef at The White Hart in Grafton Regis ( Northants ), Alan Bonar-Drake set his sights on building his own home and now, after long and drawn out planning tussles, work has started.

We're covering the build at every step and as the builders worked on the footings, we had a chat in their pub garden ( nice work if you can get it! )

Stay with us for all the updates on self build - they're really useful, especially if you've got the desire to build your own place.


The media and the property market; do they like a party pooper story a bit TOO much?

Simmo picks over how the housing market is depicted in the press and property journalist, the excellent Marc Shoffman gives us his take.

Charlie Says isn't short of an opinion or two when it comes to the media and housing, so we've let him rip!

Ah yes and there's one more thing to listen out for - what Zoopla is saying about sales trends.

( I say one more thing, but who can forget the chippy and the floor for all the wrong reasons! )