Covid Roulette

Episode 9 - Mubarek (part 2)

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Episode notes

Mubarek recently got married overseas - in Cairo, Egypt after waiting more than 2 years to be able to travel again. And unfortunately he also caught Covid on the same trip - whilst visiting his grandparents in Eritrea.

This episode explores the differences in approaches to managing Covid in the community in different countries, and the additional complexities that couples who wish to marry have faced in these extraordinary times.

This episode features Mubarek Imam and Shaykh Mohammad Ramzan.

Alphington Community Centre is pleased to document and present this series of local Covid stories. The podcast was conceived and produced by Leanne Coughlin and Tony Wilson. The original theme music is by David Bridie. The fabulous graphics are by Lee Arkapaw.

You can contact us at [email protected] or visit our website

This project was funded by the Victorian Government.