Australia Explained in Indonesian - Australia Explained in Indonesian
G’day Australia! If you are a recent migrant to the land Down Under, this podcast series in Indonesian is for you. It will help you understand the quirky habits that embody the Aussie way of life. - G'Day Australia! Jika Anda adalah pendatang baru di negera Down Under ini, seri podcast dalam Bahasa Indonesia ini cocok untuk Anda. Ini akan membantu Anda memahami kebiasaan unik yang mendasari cara hidup orang Australia.
Latest episode
Aussie pubs: More than a place to drink alcohol - Pub Australia: Lebih dari Sekadar Tempat untuk Minum Minuman Beralkohol
Have you visited a pub in Australia? For many, a pub is not only a place to get a drink, but also a place to spend time with family and friends. - Pernahkah Anda mengunjungi pub di Australia? Bagi banyak orang, pub bukan hanya tempat untuk minum, tet… -
Shark and sunburn: Why do Australians love going to the beach? - Hiu dan Sinar Matahari yang Membakar: Mengapa Orang Australia Sangat Suka Pergi ke Pantai?
Australia is a nation of swimmers, with over 10,000 beaches along the coastline. In this episode of Australia Explained, we're going to see deeper why Aussies are so attached to their beach. - Australia adalah bangsa perenang, dengan lebih dari 10.00… -
What's ‘footy’? What you need to know about Australian sporting culture - Apa itu 'Footy'? Yang Perlu Anda Tahu tentang Budaya Olahraga Australia
One of the first things you'll notice after arriving in Australia is how passionate Aussies are about taking part in or watching sport. Regardless of the season or the state you reside in, a sport that suits your preferences is always easily accessib… -
From Vegemite to kangaroo meat: The stories behind Australia's most iconic foods - Dari Vegemite hingga Daging Kanguru: Kisah dibalik Makanan Australia yang Paling Ikonik
Have you ever tried kangaroo or witchetty grub meat? What’s your favourite Aussie sweet treat? In this episode of Australia Explained, we discuss some of the country's most iconic dishes. - Pernahkah Anda mencoba memakan daging kanguru atau witchetty… -
No homework, grade test? The shocking parts of Australian education - Tidak Ada PR dan Ujian Kenaikan Kelas? Hal yang Mengejutkan dari Pendidikan Australia
For migrants, navigating the 'best' educational future for their children in Australia can be 'challenging', especially when thinking through the private and public systems. - Bagi para pendatang, menavigasi masa depan pendidikan 'terbaik' bagi anak-… -
Bikkie for brekkie? All you need to know about Aussie slang - Bikkie untuk brekkie? Semua yang Perlu Anda Tahu tentang Bahasa Gaul Australia
Fancy having a bikkie for brekkie, or a barbie? Australian slang can leave some people scratching their heads in confusion, especially those who are new to the country. - Ingin makan bikkie untuk brekkie, atau barbie? Bahasa gaul Australia bisa jadi … -
G'day Australia: What does it mean to be Australian? - Australia Explained: Apa Artinya Jadi Orang Australia?
Listen to G'day Australia, SBS Indonesian's new podcast, which offers a beginner's guide to all things Aussie, including need-to-know slang, foods, sports, education and much more. - Dengarkan Australia Explained, podcast baru dari SBS Indonesian, ya…