Blossom Trees and Burnt Out Cars

2. Traveller communities: severed from the land

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Episode notes

Over a cuppa in a Traveller community on the outskirts of London, Talia Randall chats with Josie O Driscoll, Emma and Joseph about their relationship with nature. Many Traveller communities have been re-located to polluted, hazardous sites. What’s the impact on their wellbeing and their sense of belonging? And what can be done to keep the deep cultural connections with the land alive? From herbal remedies revived from memory, to wellbeing gardens where children can play without the prejudice they face in public parks, Talia hears how Traveller communities are finding ways to stay connected to nature, against the odds. Produced, Written and Presented by Talia Randall Researcher: Erica McKoy Contributors: Joseph, Josie O Driscoll, Emma, Production Mentor: Anna Buckley Tech Producer: Gayl Gordon Executive Producers: Khaliq Meer & Leanne Alie Commissioned for BBC Sounds Audio Lab by Khaliq Meer Artwork by: Mike Massaro