Investigating the Post Office Scandal

30: Ep 30 - Post Office Minister on launch of GLO scheme

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In which the Post Office Minister Kevin Hollinrake explains the new compensation scheme for Postmasters who were part of the High Court group litigation, declares the Historical Shortfall Scheme fit for purpose, says he wants people held to account over the Horizon scandal and appears ready to support a Duty of Candour law if it prevents something similar happening again. After the interview with Mr Hollinrake, Nick speaks once more to Lee Castleton, a likely applicant to the scheme, nineteen years to the day after Post Office auditors walked into Lee's branch and closed it down, setting him on the path to bankruptcy and ruining his life.

Government's compensation scheme for Group Litigation Subpostmasters:

Post Office Horizon IT inquiry legal advice on bankruptcies:

A longer interview with Lee Castleton:

Rebecca's Substack page:

Nick's Post Office Scandal website:

Nick's book:

Rebecca's first investigation for Computer Weekly in 2009:
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