
The remarkable garden pond

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Episode notes

When you think of ponds, do you think of the dizzying array of creatures that live within them? More than tadpoles and dragonflies, the humble pond is vital to entire ecosystems, and a small garden pond often supports more biodiversity than even a lake or river. And the best thing is – we’re never far from one. 

Whether it’s a bucket on an urban balcony or a mighty farm pond filled with amphibians and insects, these mini-wetlands can offer huge benefits to wildlife as well as our own wellbeing. In this episode we travel to Henry Slator’s garden pond in Devon to learn how it’s tranquillity and creatures helped Henry recover during his cancer treatment, and was the inspiration for his book Conversations at the Pond. We also take a peek inside the world of the dragonfly at London Wetland Centre.

Featuring: Henry Slator, Dr Sarah Davies (Principal Research Officer, WWT) and dragonfly expert Dave Smallshire of the British Dragonfly Society. Presented by Megan McCubbin.

If listening to this podcast inspires you to take action for wetlands and find out more then visit wwt.org.uk

Waterlands is a series brought to you by the WWT. It’s an 18Sixty production, the producer is Melvin Rickarby and original music is by Noah Bloom.