The Pastor's Table

How Much Sin Can The Church Accommodate? | Hamartiology | S6E3

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Episode notes

Life in the church is a complex reality.  

The Church is what it will become, yet it also has a here and not yet reality.

Acknowledging the tensions within, Beth, Mark & Tara Beth explore the coexistence of brokenness and Christ's presence in the Church. The discussion delves into the impact of sin, addressing the significant pain experienced, especially by church leaders. Despite the struggles, the hosts emphasize the transformative power of holiness manifesting in ordinary acts of goodness.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How does the tension between the brokenness of humanity and Christ's presence in the Church challenge our understanding of holiness?
  2. What role do individuals, especially those with influence, play in stewarding the authority bestowed upon them in the Church?
  3. Reflecting on the analogy of the Church as the bride of Christ, how can we navigate the tensions between acknowledging the Church's flaws and recognizing its inherent beauty?