Halacha Deep Dive
By Rabbi Yehuda Brickman
Learn and understand practical halacha.
From the primary sources to the relevant halachos in twenty minutes!
For mareh mkomos shorturl.at/bdeBZ
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From the primary sources to the relevant halachos in twenty minutes!
For mareh mkomos shorturl.at/bdeBZ
For questions or comments email [email protected]
Latest episode
Is a cross avoda zarah?
Can do business with crosses? Can you bend down if there is a cross in the front of the room? -
Kosher Cheese
What makes cheese kosher? Is there a difference between Mozzarella and cottage cheese? -
How to Put On Your Tallis
How to wrap yourself when you make a bracha on your tallis -
Using the Shul's Tallis
Do you make a bracha when using the Shul's tallis? What about when you borrow one from your friend? -
Urns on Shabbos
Can you use an urn with a water gauge on Shabbos? Does the water in your urn need to be fully cooked before Shabbos? -
Pizza Makers & Urns With Hashgacha 'No Tevila Required'
How is tevilah avoided? What is necessary for the hashgacha? Is that hashgacha valid when bought from a non-Jew? -
Toiveling a Keurig
Does a Keurig require Tevilas keilim? -
The Bracha on Hydroponic Vegetables
What bracha is made on hydroponic vegetables? Haadama or shehakol? -
Bamboo Schach Mats
What are the possible problems with using bamboo mats for schach? Why do they need a hechsher? How to use them properly -
Eruv Tavshilin
When is the earliest that you can ake an eruv tavshilin? Can you put up a cholent late on the second day of Yom Tov?