We Can't Print This

The Ham Flute Turned Purple, with Anthony Hudson/Drag Clown Carla Rossi

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Episode notes

 Writer and performer Anthony Hudson slash drag clown Carla Rossi on collaboration, the art of the drag queen, and the importance of moderating your appetite.


Episode transcripts and guest info available at wecantprintthis.com

You can support We Can’t Print This via Patreon (patreon.com/wecantprintthis)

Follow us on Instagram @wecantprintthis and Twitter @wecantprintthis, and get in touch at [email protected]

We Can’t Print This is hosted by Eden Dawn (Twitter @eden_dawn / Instagram @edendawn) and Fiona McCann (Twitter @fiona_mccann  / Instagram @fionamc), and produced by Miranda Shafer (Twitter @mirandashafer

Music by Dave Depper

Art by Ashod Simonian