Objeks & Tings
Episode 5 – Through the Pinhole
Episode notes
Catherine and Lynda speak to Wendy Leoque, a photographic artist living in Bristol. Wendy tells us all about her grandmother’s grip – the suitcase her grandmother used to bring a chosen few possessions from Jamaica to the UK. The trio discuss how the grip was a staple for the windrush generation but how everybody’s looked different and reflected their own personalities – whether that be from the exterior or the items contained within. We also hear how Wendy has repurposed her grandmother’s grip into a pinhole camera that she uses to take photos of other artefacts from the Windrush period.
This episode was a Message Heard production brought to you in partnership with Catherine Ross and Lynda Burrell of The National Caribbean Heritage Museum: Museumand. To find out more about the amazing work Museumand does to showcase Caribbean stories in the UK click here: https://www.museumand.org/