In Haste

How can fantasy change your reality? with Sunyi Dean

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What’s the relationship between fantasy literature and real life?

Writers Alice Vincent and Charlotte Runcie speak to Sunyi Dean, author of the bestselling novel The Book Eaters, and co-host of the excellent Publishing Rodeo podcast.

Sunyi discusses how she came to write the book and what was going on in her life at the time, as well as her somewhat stormy publication journey, in an episode that also touches on what makes us readers of fantasy — and what makes us think of ourselves as fantasy readers.

Each episode of In Haste is accompanied by an original essay on Substack by Alice Vincent or Charlotte Runcie exploring its wider themes. Subscribers can access more episodes at

In Haste is produced by Holly Fisher for Hasty Productions, with original music by Maria Chiara Argiró and graphic design by Alicia Fernandes.

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