Did Furbys spy on us? Joanne McNally Investigates

Did Furbys Spy on Us? 1. Furby Phobia

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Episode notes

Joanne McNally is back on the investigative trail…. and with the Avril / Melissa theory no longer giving her sleepless nights, she’s keen to find a new story to get her teeth into. Helped by her loyal gaggle of fans, she draws up a list of options, and then sets down with friend and ‘original sleuth’ Joe Lycett to go through them. Top of her list, after some deliberation is a story from the late 90’s… about a soft toy, the Furby, which took over the world and became the no.1 gift for Christmas. But Joanne has found headlines that claim the toy was banned, suspected of being a spy, linked to international espionage… there couldn’t be any truth to it… could there?

As her journey begins, Joanne visits a Furby collector to try and understand their capabilities. She reaches out to the manufacturers to ask them if the claims are true. And she has an uncomfortable bonding experience with a Furby all of her own.