The Lowdown Show - By ADVRider

Is the Future of Motorcycles Electric? And Other Hot-Button Topics

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Episode notes

The Lowdown Podcast returns, with host Neil Graham once again dialing up industry insider Michael Uhlarik to discuss the world of motorcycling. But this time, while some listeners might think this is inside baseball, Neil's got a few sliders and knuckleballs to pitch at Michael to keep him on his toes. Neil is challenging the industry's claim that EVs are going to be the great replacement for our current internal combustion engines, and he raises some arguments from the world of boat racing, of all things.

No wonder Neil calls this the "Disagreement Episode," because he also has a beef with parallel twin engines (Michael likes them, Neil claims he doesn't). Neil also beefs with the current Japanese racing programs, while Michael has his own complaints to air, as he thinks the current motorcycle design scene is mired in the same malaise that automakers foundered in back in the 1970s.