Opinions Matter with Adrian & Jeremy
By GoLoud
Opinions Matter is the brainchild of award-winning broadcasters Adrian Kennedy and Jeremy Dixon. On each episode the lads will debate the big stories of the day, highlight listener concerns, local issues and discuss the weird and wacky stuff going on in their lives
Latest episode
Opinions Matter EXTRA – The Uncut Version - Ep. 6
Listeners Repulsed by Young Gay Mans Relationship Age Gap
Almost Sacked...Dublin Worker Given Warning Over Sexual Joke
**Chilling Incident of "Evil" Abuse of Child at Dublin Football Club**
Dublin Mum FURIOUS Over Schools Treatment of Her Teenage Daughter!
Listener Exposes "Wild Cocaine Party" in Family Home in Mulhuddart"
Opinions Matter EXTRA – The Uncut Version - Ep. 5
Our Katie Horrifes Listeners With "Harsh" Comments On Irish People Joining British Army
Drimnagh Dad "It's my moral duty to take Palestinian Refugee into my home"
Listeners Angry Over "Harsh" Prison Sentence Given To Dublin Rioter