Theology on Mission

S9: E16 Navigating Conflict, Antagonism & Power as Pastors | The Pastor’s Table | Rev. Tara Beth Leach & Mark Quanstrom

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Episode notes

Pastors face unexpected challenges all the time.  

Tara Beth and Mark talk about the many active struggles of ministry. Antagonism and all sorts of sources have created a polarized world. Often this blows up in the church.  Mark and Tara Beth share their insights from mediating conflicts, understanding underlying issues, and knowing when it might be time to move on from a pastoral role. 

Pastors foster a reconciling presence as Christ was a reconciling force through his ministry.  

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00:00 Introduction and Banter

01:58 Special Guests Introduction

04:23 Challenges of Ministry

10:01 Antagonism in the Church

18:09 Historical Context of Marriage

18:49 Modern Affluence and Marriage Dynamics

19:56 Pastoral Leadership in Conflict

21:56 Understanding Congregational Antagonisms

23:18 Modeling Reconciliation in Church

29:53 Social Media's Impact on Pastors

38:12 Differentiation and Pastoral Identity

39:28 When It's Time to Leave

41:03 Final Thoughts and Podcast Wrap-Up