Author In Your Classroom

Keeping up the Pace, with Jason Rohan

Keeping up the Pace, with Jason Rohan

Author In Your Classroom

Published: 4 May 2022 at 17:56 UTC

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Episode notes

An action-packed adventure with amazing characters and a gripping storyline is tricky to write, but this is precisely what Jason Rohan manages to do with the first book in his new high-octane series - S.T.E.A.L.T.H: Access Denied. And in this thrilling episode of AIYC, he explains exactly how... A resources pack, including teaching notes, planning sheets, working wall elements and more is available to support this episode at This episode is divided into three sections, which can be listened to in one go, as a sequence spread over several days, or in isolation. If you only have time to listen to one, we recommend section 2, which includes Jason reading from S.T.E.A.L.T.H: Access Denied. Section 1 starts at 00:00 Section 2 starts at 16:15 Section 3 starts at 31:47 Join the Plazoom community by signing up to our newsletter for free resources and special offers at 
