Anagoge Podcast

Learning & Teaching Philosophy - Gregory Sadler [Anagoge Podcast]

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Episode notes

Long time no see! I hope to make the podcast more active this year. In this episode, I talk with Dr. Gregory Sadler, likely the most influential philosophy educator to exist. Sadler earned an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Southern Illinois University.  He is the Founder of ReasonIO, a consulting company providing philosophy content, training, and consulting services. 

He has reached impressive popularity on YouTube, and his channel has over 130.000 subscribers and 13 million views. He has helped me digest challenging thinkers with fantastic lectures explaining the main concepts while providing additional context and insights. His channel is an absolute gold mine for anyone interested in philosophy.  

We talk about the process of learning philosophy, the importance of good teachers, considerations about translated works, secondary literature, philosophical biases, truth, and much more. It was a very engaging conversation and one of my favorite episodes!


3:28 Sadler's expertise and background 6:09 Sadler's journey in philosophy 12:58 Being a good teacher 17:34 Students from non-philosophical backgrounds 19:48 Stoicism, Sartre, and Nietzsche in Sadler's philosophy views 23:43 Importance of the original language in philosophical works 36:24 Death of philosophy 47:26 Trade-offs between primary and secondary literature 57:28 Philosophical biases and autodidactism 1:04:12 Intersection of truth in philosophy and religion

Gregory Sadler's channel:

Gregory Sadler's website:

PS: If you would like to connect with me on Instagram, you can do so at @tiagobooks: