Armchair Adventures

An Ancient Egypt Adventure - Part 1

An Ancient Egypt Adventure - Part 1

Armchair Adventures

Published: 16 January 2025 at 05:00 UTC

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Episode notes

Connie and the gang travel back through the sands of time, all the way to Ancient Egypt πŸŒ…πŸ«

Connie is feeling sad about missing out on a special trip, and so, her lovely customer Jan decides to cheer her up. A history buff and all-round adventurer, Jan recreates her own once in a lifetime trip to the land of the Pharoahs. Only this time, powered by imagination, the gang are going to get to meet the Pharoahs for real… And not just any Pharoah – Hatshepsut – the first ever woman to rule as a Pharoah – complete with fake beard. 

To help them on their adventure, Connie and the gang are joined by Dr Campbell Price, a real-life Egyptologist from Manchester Museum! πŸ›οΈ

What will you discover as you travel back through the sands of time? πŸ”Žβ³


Say hello adventurer!


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You can download the transcript for the episode here.

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Armchair Adventures is a Made by Mortals production. With special thanks to Blueprint Studios and Hannah Donelon.

Generously funded by the Arts Council of England.

Our next episode will be out on 30th January! πŸ˜€

Mentioned in this episode:

By Kids For Kids Storytime

By Kids For Kids Story Time is an enchanting podcast performed by young kids (aged 3 - 13) from around the world. Every week we share immersive, exhilarating adventures filled with humour, heart, and good social values, transporting listeners to magical realms with myths, fairytales, and more.