Bereaved Parents' Club
#14 The Legacy of Leo
Episode notes
Where do you turn when your baby dies? How do you express your loss, connect with others, and find some comfort? What happens when you go on to have a child after loss?
Whilst finding a creative outlet for her own grief, Jess reached out and created online spaces for others facing similar challenges.
Find out about the Legacy of Leo, #BabyLossHour, Advent to Remember, and the ups and downs of navigating family life.
LGBT Baby Loss:
Baby Loss Hour:
Advent to Remember:
Allsorts Parents & Carers Service emerged in 2013 in response to the need for parents/carers of children and young people who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or exploring their sexual orientation and/or gender identity (LGBT+), to connect and provide each other with support, community and friendship.
The National Bereavement Care Pathway was initiated by the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for baby loss. Piloted in 11 sites in 2017/18, the NBCP is now used in 99% of NHS England hospital sites. The full list of resources is available on our website so please visit the Bereaved Parents' Club. This episode is dedicated to Leo.