The Betknowmore Podcast

How to maintain a healthy recovery

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Disclaimer: This podcast will be discussing sensitive topics around gambling harms which some people may find triggering, for 24/7 support please call the National Gambling Helpline free on 0808 8020 133

Making the decision to put your wellbeing first is a brave step, but where do you go from there?

Breaking the cycle of gambling harms, remembering, and sticking to your 'why' takes time and dedication, but what does that look like exactly? Is it support, in the form of therapy, support groups, journaling or taking up a new hobby? The list is endless, and it isn’t one size fits all.

Join Abi and her guests Lisa Patton, a Service Manager for GamCare Scotland and Jo Mustafa, a Peer Aid supporter and expert by lived experience, as they discuss how to maintain a healthy recovery from both sides of the spectrum.

If you, or a woman you know, would like support with both clinical insight and lived experience, this is the one episode is you cannot miss.