The Betknowmore Podcast

Your story and journey so far

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Disclaimer: This podcast will be discussing sensitive topics around gambling harms which some may find triggering. For 24/7 support please call the National Gambling Helpline free on 0808 8020 133.

Recovery is a journey you need to start and continue….

On this week’s episode Abi is joined by Christina Cook. Today, Christina is the host and founder of the Broke Girl Society podcast. This wasn’t always her story, but after her own 15-year battle with gambling harms, Christina made the decision to change her life…

This week’s episode is a story of courage, honesty and determination, as Christina bravely gives insight and hope for all women to recognise that the recovery journey can be undertaken with grace and patience. After listening, we hope you will be inspired and know that recovery can start at any time, and that it is possible to live a life free from gambling harms.