Beyond The Rainbow - True Crimes of the LGBT

S. 15 Patreon Vault Opening: Tyler Deaton and his Cult

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I'm pretty sick from my airplane rides to Orlando and back, I should have masked!  I'll be back next week with a new and crazy case! In the meantime...I unlocked the Patreon Vault and squeezed this episode out for your listening pleasure. 

From Jul 31, 2023

Tyler Deaton fought his homosexual urges through his teen years and into adulthood. He met Bethany at a prayer group in college and the two began dating. All the while Tyler was becoming deeper involved in Christian Fundalmentalism.  Years later, he took the role of leader in his prayer group, becoming a religious cult of sorts. He married Bethany in the hopes of saying goodbye to his homosexual desires forever. Dark and Twisted stories began to arise as Bethany ended up dead.  True crime quickie is from Portland, Oregon as a straight man is killed trying to defend his gay friend.