Blueprints of Disruption
By Rabble Rousers' Cooperative
Blueprints of Disruption is dedicated to amplifying the work of activists, organizers and rabble rousers. This weekly podcast, hosted by Jessa McLean and Santiago Helou Quintero, features in-depth discussions that explore different ways to challenge capitalism, decolonize spaces and create movements on the ground. Together we will disrupt the status quo one episode at a time.
Latest episode
Jews Say No to Genocide
Rabble Rants: Deny, Defend, Depose
Change Course: Stigmatizing Capitalism on Campus
Being Pragmatic: Inside the NS NDP
Masking as a Revolutionary Act
The IHRA, Fascism and Upholding Colonial Violence
Democrats Lose. Our Plans Stay the Same.
Activate the Tenant Class with the Neighbourhood Organizing Centre
Defending Against Demovictions w/Bank Block Tenants
Support Systems Amid State Suppression